This guest blog post was written by Lauren Varney, a participant in the current Faith and Health Ambassador Course. She captured her thoughts as a sort of journal as she was engaging with an assignment for Week 5 - "An Intimate and Right Relationship With God." It appears below … [Read more...]
Strip Off Your ‘Weight’ – Hebrews 12:1-2 – Weekly Health Devotional
Because I have a fitness background - professionally as well as personally - I have long-enjoyed the following verse: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin … [Read more...]
Rules for Healthy Living Can Frustrate. The Spirit Gives Life.
Be physically active. Eat healthy foods. Don't eat sugar. If you drink, drink in moderation. Abstain from using drugs. Drink plenty of water. Sleep at least 7 hours every night. Don't smoke. The list for behaviors that are important to be healthy goes on and on. But these … [Read more...]
You Are Wired to Be Connected to God
You were wired to be connected to and in a relationship with God. Research has shown that a prayer of 12 minutes or more will cause physical changes in the brain. I imagine that this is why God instructs us to 'pray without ceasing.' See 1 Thessalonians 5:17 And there … [Read more...]
Christ Lives in Us!
This last week has been an amazing week for me spiritually! God is revealing to me some of his deep truths regarding being one with Jesus - being in union with Him - and what abiding or remaining in Him is about. Paul shares one of these truths in his letter to the … [Read more...]
Is Your Life Bearing Fruit?
Is it evident that you are a child of God, a Christ follower? Is it evident that Jesus has changed your life? Are you 'bearing fruit?' In the Faith and Health Ambassador Course, I share a document about fruit with the course participants. It's based on a small wonderful book … [Read more...]