Meditate on Scripture. Think About Things that are True and Pure. Abide in Jesus. Trust God. These are four important principles of our Christian faith that I have been intentional in practicing since the pandemic of the Coronavirus began. These biblical habits have kept me … [Read more...]
My Grapevine Reminds Me to Remain in Jesus. John 15:1-4
I enjoy how Spring causes plants and flowers to bloom. It's a sign of new growth. A few years ago I planted a grapevine in our backyard so that I could care for it and to be reminded of one of my favorite scriptures: "I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He … [Read more...]
Improving Your Spiritual Fitness Level – A Health Devotional
When a person begins an exercise program to improve their cardiovascular or aerobic fitness level, several things are going on physiologically in the body. The cardiovascular system - the oxygen transport system - has to get used to carrying oxygen in the blood through the blood … [Read more...]
Christ Lives in Us!
This last week has been an amazing week for me spiritually! God is revealing to me some of his deep truths regarding being one with Jesus - being in union with Him - and what abiding or remaining in Him is about. Paul shares one of these truths in his letter to the … [Read more...]
Are You in Sync with God?
My wife recently gave me an iPad as a gift. (Thank you again Janice!) I've been using it pretty much every day and found that it's been enjoyable to use and it also increase my productivity. About two times each week I find that I need to sync the iPad with my Macbook Pro … [Read more...]
Chilean Miner Conducts Bible Study Underground – Connecting With Jesus During Trials
Jose Henriquez was the 24th miner rescued from the Chilean mine on October 13th. His faith was apparently very important to him as he asked friends to gather and send 33 small Bibles down through a supply shaft. This enabled him to lead a Bible study for the other trapped miners … [Read more...]