Easter week is the most special week of the year for me. My mind repeatedly reflects on the fact that I am forgiven of my sins and that I can be in a personal relationship with the God of the universe, only because of what Jesus has done for me. The death of Jesus on a … [Read more...]
Christ Lives in Us!
This last week has been an amazing week for me spiritually! God is revealing to me some of his deep truths regarding being one with Jesus - being in union with Him - and what abiding or remaining in Him is about. Paul shares one of these truths in his letter to the … [Read more...]
Roots, Fruit, Your Heart and Your Health – Jeremiah 17:5-8
The condition of your spiritual heart will have a major influence on the condition of your body and your physical health. Proverbs 14:30 says “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Another Proverbs, 4:23, says "Above all else, guard your heart, for … [Read more...]
Healthcare, Wellness and Wholeness – Humility, Patience and Gentleness
Yet another post with insight and my thoughts from my reading of Health Care You Can Live With by Dr. Scott Morris, founder of the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tennessee. The excerpts below are directly from the referenced chapters. Excerpts From Chapters 17, 18 and … [Read more...]
Why Should Christians Be Healthy? Health Devotional – 3 John 1:2
What should motivate Christians to be healthy? Why does God desire that we be healthy? Here are two excerpts from the book Faith and Health, written by Charles Reynolds Brown (past Dean of the Yale Divinity School) and published in 1910. "The Lord of Love is seeking to … [Read more...]
Running With Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-2 Weekly Faith and Health Devotional
Running and Life Our life is like a long distance run or race and we're all participating in it. Over the years, I've competed in distance races from between 400 yards and 50 miles. In the 50 mile event, I ran along the American River in California for most of the way. The … [Read more...]