On most mornings I start my day off reading a few devotionals and the various scriptures related to them. One of my longtime favorites is In Touch, the devotional by InTouch Ministries. Dr. Charles Stanley and his team of writers are especially anointed in sharing the truth of … [Read more...]
Wellness Coaching for My Christian Clients – Motivation is Key
My years of health education experience along with my advanced degree in a related field coupled with the resurgence of my Christian faith over the last decade has enabled me to get a pretty good handle on matters of health and wellness from a Christian perspective. The Life, … [Read more...]
Why Should Christians Be Healthy? Health Devotional – 3 John 1:2
What should motivate Christians to be healthy? Why does God desire that we be healthy? Here are two excerpts from the book Faith and Health, written by Charles Reynolds Brown (past Dean of the Yale Divinity School) and published in 1910. "The Lord of Love is seeking to … [Read more...]
Health and well-being. What’s the purpose of it?
Health and well-being. What's the purpose of having it? Why should we desire to be healthy? John Wesley, founder of the Methodist denomination, would have said that the purpose of good health is to enable us to do the things that God has planned for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) … [Read more...]