Your day to day eating, or diet, actually begins with the choices you make at the grocery story. The degree to which you eat in a healthy way at home is largely determined by what food and beverages you have on hand. So, the choices you make as you walk down the isles of the … [Read more...]
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
February 21-27 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. I want to make you aware of a few resources that exist for those who may struggle with an eating disorder, or if you have a friend or family member who struggles with these types of issues. Hungry For Jesus is a … [Read more...]
Junk Food and Serving God
Today I felt lousy - physically and mentally. About three in the afternoon - during a short jog - I 'connected the dots' between my physical and mental state with what I ate yesterday. Our Carolina Panthers football team was playing in the NFC Championship game against the … [Read more...]
Turn to Jesus Instead of Toxic “Spiritual Food.”
This blog post was written by Judy Gatehouse, a Faith and Health Ambassador, who lives in Ottawa, Canada. It appears here with her permission. Did you know? .....Food laced with toxins doesn't necessarily look or smell bad. Consuming it can make us mildly ill or even cause … [Read more...]
God Cares for Your Body!
You might say "I can eat anything. The Christian faith, with my freedom from the laws through my relationship with Christ, permits me to eat any food." But all foods, and an overconsumption of foods, may not be good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not … [Read more...]
Hummingbirds, Nectar and God – Sources of Fuel
We recently moved into a new home which is about 10 miles South of the place we had in Charlotte. At our old place, we had created a flower garden that attracted hummingbirds. They became daily visitors from April through September each year. Because we enjoy flowers and nature, … [Read more...]