Your day to day eating, or diet, actually begins with the choices you make at the grocery story. The degree to which you eat in a healthy way at home is largely determined by what food and beverages you have on hand. So, the choices you make as you walk down the isles of the … [Read more...]
Weight Loss: The Spiritual Secrets – A Mind, Body, Spirit Approach
When I learn of information that I think will help others, I'm likely to pass it along more quickly than more slowly. This is one of those times. About 5 years ago I read a book by Dr. Kara Davis, a practicing internal medicine physician, on the secrets to losing weight. It was … [Read more...]
Tomatoes and Jesus: Staying Connected to the Vine – Weekly Health Scripture: John 15:5
I was hungry for lunch and immediately thought of having a grilled-cheese sandwich with a slice of tomato. Not a store-bought tasteless tomato but a juicy, sweet, home-grown one. Without hesitation, I walked outside to where I'm growing two tomato plants. One is a … [Read more...]
God’s Pharmacy – The Value of Certain Fruits and Veggies
I found this listing of the tremendous value of 12 fruits and vegetables. The author is unknown. Thanks to Cathy Morenzie for posting it on her Active Image site. Enjoy! Then God said, "Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be … [Read more...]
Weekly Faith and Health Scripture – John 6 – Nutrition for Life
Health experts would agree that a regular diet of grains is essential for us, especially whole grains. Dietitians will tell us that we should eat about 6 ounces of grain products each day and half of those should be whole grains. Whole grain breads are one such source. Whole … [Read more...]
Weekly Faith and Health Scripture: John 15:5 – Eating and Bearing Fruit
Every piece of guidance about good nutrition will include the importance of fruit in our diet. There is no argument among experts of the value of consuming a variety of fruit on every day. Not surprising as in Genesis 1:29 God tells us "I have given you the seed-bearing plants … [Read more...]