Dale Fletcher, M.S.
Founder, Faith and Health Connection
PathWay 2 WholenessSM is a unique wellness program that takes you on a spiritual journey to a deeper relationship with Jesus. It addresses the following dimensions of health and provides numerous examples about how they are connected to one another: physical, mental, emotional, relational and most importantly, spiritual.
This heath and wellness Bible Study has an overarching goal to inform and encourage participants to glorify God with their bodies and advance His Kingdom through the application of important biblical and medical principles. When these principles are embraced and applied, participants will experience a deeper relationship with God, a biblically healthy relationship with themselves, and live and relate in thriving relationships with others, through the love and peace of Jesus Christ.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Jesus in John 14:6
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105
Who Can Benefit from the Bible Study?
Those who may be experiencing a chronic health condition that their doctor can’t quite put his/her finger on and the medications prescribed just aren’t working for them. Individuals who may be having challenges in their relationships with other people, or whose mental condition may be fragile due to the stresses of work, kids, relatives, and just life itself. Others may be asking themselves, “Is there more to my relationship with God than what I learned from my family? Is there a deeper connection with my Creator that I’m missing?” Finally, there may be those who just want to better understand how their soul (mind, will and emotions), spirit and body are connected with one another from a biblical perspective.
Bible Study Costs. What is Included.
- The program cost, shipped within the United States, is $55.00. (Make your purchase below)
- Included are access to 10 video recordings of each weekly 2-hour session, a printed spiral-bound Participant Guide and the textbook, God Medicine and Miracles, by Dan Fountain, MD.
- Shipping is included in the cost.
- NOTE: Do you reside outside the United States? Before purchasing, please contact Dale through the Contact Page to make arrangements to pay an additional shipping fee.
Bible Study Format
This health and wellness Bible Study is presented through 10 pre-recorded videos – 20 hours of instruction, taught by Dale Fletcher, M.S. Certified Professional Life Coach and Executive Director of Faith and Health Connection.
The videos were recorded during a live program where there were participants from around the United States. They are a combination of lecture using Power-point, small group discussions, and interactive learning activities. All recordings include rich discussions and sharing among the participants and the instructor which gives the feel of attending an actual class!
While viewing the videos, participants follow along with Dale and take notes in their spiral-bound Participant Guide, which contains assignments, readings, and key Power-point slides. The 106 page Guide also includes several models, a listing of 40 Biblical Principles for a Full Life (with associated scripture), and a worksheet where you’ll capture responses to 14 areas related to your personal stressors, spiritual risk factors, habits, and biblical principles that you intend to embrace more completely.
The assignments include readings from scripture and an enlightening book entitled God, Medicine and Miracles, by Dr. Dan Fountain. You will not want to put this book down! It is packed full of deep spiritual truths and practical applications for your life.
Weekly Schedule & Topics: See this document Schedule & Topics.
Bible Study Goals
As a participant in this program you will…
- Become aware of the undeniable connection between stress, relationship issues and health.
- Embrace Biblical knowledge to experience a deeper relationship with God, a healthy relationship with your self and to live and relate with mankind, through the peace of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit.
Move towards a healthy lifestyle for both body and mind.- Reflect on the condition of your heart and learn how it affects your emotional and physical health. If warranted, you’ll have an opportunity to experience inner healing.
- Make desired changes as captured in the personal growth plan that you will create.
- Receive inspiration and encouragement from Dale and be encouraged to share your learning and experience with others.
A Few Testimonials
“No words are adequate to thank God for His healing touch that I experienced through the program. Jesus cleansed my heart so deeply that I can now feel His unconditional love. I had known that truth in my head, but now it’s deep in my heart.” ~ Judy Gatehouse
“I was expecting to learn about the link between faith and health… I wasn’t expecting to become a changed person!”
“This course has helped me see areas in my life that were still based off who I WAS, my ‘old’ self. As Christians we are taught that we are a new Creation, but until this course I did not fully realize what that meant. Now I see that I have to completely let go of all that I knew and hold on to all who God is and who His word says He is. This is the only true way to a victorious walk in our Faith. This course helps guide you to make the real changes to do just that.” ~ Jennifer Paganakis
“I recently discovered a new passion for health and fitness and wanted to grow in my faith and learn more about wellness. This was a perfect combination of the two areas!”
“PathWay 2 Wholeness”
Biblical. Life Changing. Self-Paced.
Cost for US Residents – $55.00
(Non US Residents, please see the Note above.)
NOTE: After your purchase please wait for a moment as you will be redirected to a page with directions
on how to access course materials. Thanks!
PathWay 2 Wholeness and Faith and Health Ambassador are Service Marks of Faith and Health Connection ministry.