Today I went for a short run before the summer heat and humidity rose too much. The forecast high in Charlotte is 93. On many of my runs I get ideas for my posts on my blog and that was the case today. The thought popped into my mind that I have been running over 40 years. … [Read more...]
God Equips Us for Doing His Work – Weekly Faith and Health Scripture – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God created each of us - you and me - as His masterpiece, His workmanship, to do the good works He planned for us long ago. This is what scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:10. But there's a catch. It's only by accepting Jesus as our savior that we become "new" people and have … [Read more...]
Time With God Equips Us for Living Life – Isaiah 40:29-31
Today we likely face more stressors and strains than usual as times in the world are really tough. Since we are in such tough times with the economy, unemployment and the like, you are probably experiencing a high level of stress due to the associated challenges - in your … [Read more...]
The US Army Chaplain Corps & Senior Leader Training
This week I have been privileged to spend time with senior Chaplains of the US Army. Over 350 Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants from around the world are spending time together in Hilton Head, SC to receive updates and various trainings under the theme of Renewing the Soldier's … [Read more...]
Giving Life to Others by the Holy Spirit – John 6:63
Do you want others to experience the abundant life that Jesus came to earth, died and was resurrected for so that they might have it? John 6:63 says that "It is the Spirit alone that gives life." So, my question to you is this, "Is it your nature or God's nature flowing … [Read more...]
Keys to a Full Life – Yielding and Reading the Bible – Hebrews 4:12 – Weekly Faith & Health Scripture
When I study about a spiritual truth it's exciting. When I am able to implement a spiritual truth in my life, it's more exciting. I am really understanding that the way to true freedom in the Christian faith... the way to experience true LIFE in the Christian faith... the … [Read more...]
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