When I study about a spiritual truth it’s exciting. When I am able to implement a spiritual truth in my life, it’s more exciting.
I am really understanding that the way to true freedom in the Christian faith… the way to experience true LIFE in the Christian faith… the life Jesus died for us to have(see John 10:10) is to yield to God’s Holy Spirit that is inside me.
And it’s one thing to know that this is a spiritual principle. It’s another thing to apply it. We must make a decision, deep in our will, to allow God’s Spirit to infiltrate our mind, will and emotion… to infiltrate our soul. And this decision must be made daily. We must ask God to help us with this, through His Spirit.
Before we accepted Jesus in our hearts, we lived a life dominated by our souls which were focused on our self. This life was not the kind of life we can now live with God’s Spirit and the life of Jesus in us. The old life was lived out of selfish desires and by our own abilities. The problem is that after we accept Jesus, we are challenged because our souls have the old nature. We have to learn how to allow God’s nature… His Spirit, to be dominate in us. This requires intentionality. It must be a deliberate. It must be ongoing.
Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God divides spirit and soul. What I understand this to mean is that it is only be reading the Bible and meditating on it… God’s truth, that our old nature, our soulish nature if you will, can be separated from our new nature, our spirit that now has God’s Spirit. That is one of the secrets to being free and experiencing a new and full LIFE in Christ.
Another important key is yielding to God’s Spirit in our spirit. We must learn how to recognize how we tend to live life according to our soulish(old nature) and make a choice to give that nature up to God and tell Him that we want His Spirit to infuse our soul with His nature… His Spirit. The more we choose to have this attitude and make this our prayers, the more our life will be changed. The more our life will be in alignment with God’s will for us. The more power for living we will have. The more peace and joy we will experience. The brighter Jesus’ light in us will shine. The more people will be able to see this and want to know how they can have the kind of life they see in us.
That’s how we can play an even bigger role in building the kingdom of God. And God will be receiving all the glory.
Your Spiritual Fitness:
Are you regularly reading and meditating on God’s Word?
Are you daily yielding, deep in your soul, to God’s Spirit?
Read this article on surrendering.