Do you want others to experience the abundant life that Jesus came to earth, died and was resurrected for so that they might have it? John 6:63 says that “It is the Spirit alone that gives life.”
So, my question to you is this, “Is it your nature or God’s nature flowing through you that is touching the people around you and the people who you hope will experience this abundant and eternal life?” It is only when we relinquish our self-nature, when we yield our own self and allow God’s Holy Spirit to flow through our spirits into our souls and outward through our bodies that people will experience God’s Spirit and the life that Jesus wants them to have.
I have been reminded that it is important for me to start my day out asking God to help me surrender myself to His will and His Spirit so that He can live through what I do and what I say. That my living comes from His Spirit directly and by His power. As well, the more frequently than I can have this attitude and lift up a similar prayer throughout the day, the more likely it is that my actions and speech will be influenced by God’s Holy Spirit and not be of my own soul-nature. This will then increase the likelihood that the people I speak to and what I write about will be of God and His Spirit and will have His life in it.
This requires intentionality. It requires a choice to live like this. It requires a certain sensitivity, appreciation and an awareness of when we are living from our soul-nature versus living by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And then, it requires a degree of obedience to live out God’s will instead of our own nature. We can be sure, then, that if we are acting out of the promptings and from the direction of the Holy Spirit that lives in us, we will be extending true life to others who we interact with and serve. Only in that way can we be assured that we are being instruments, in the purest sense, of God and His love.
Are you being intentional and surrendering your own own nature and asking God that His nature, His Holy Spirit inside you, live through you?