We are made whole if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and we believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9) This is God's promise in the Bible. We who believe in Jesus, and in what the Bible says about who He is and what He did, will be … [Read more...]
Is the Power of the Cross at Work in Your Life? – Romans 6:6
Have you realized substantial victory from your old and sinful nature since you've become a Christian or are you still "stuck" in a major rut by your old thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviors? Consider opening this link and listing to this song as you read this post. Be … [Read more...]
Change Unhealthy Behavior by The Holy Spirits Power – Ephesians 3:16
Are you struggling to change a behavior that you know is unhealthy? Maybe this will help. In a blog post last week I wrote about how God can help us manage the stress in our lives. I mentioned how much God loves us and that he sent his son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that … [Read more...]
Giving Life to Others by the Holy Spirit – John 6:63
Do you want others to experience the abundant life that Jesus came to earth, died and was resurrected for so that they might have it? John 6:63 says that "It is the Spirit alone that gives life." So, my question to you is this, "Is it your nature or God's nature flowing … [Read more...]
Weekly Faith and Health Scripture: Expert Advice, Rules and Health Behavior Change – Col 3:20-23
I don't know about you but for most of my life I have been influenced by what I read and hear in the news and books and magazines about what I should be doing to care for my body and how to be in good health. It seems that not a week goes by that another expert isn't writing … [Read more...]