Have you realized substantial victory from your old and sinful nature since you’ve become a Christian or are you still “stuck” in a major rut by your old thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviors?
Consider opening this link and listing to this song as you read this post. Be blessed!
Romans 6:6 is a reminder that your “old” nature, your “old” manner – your “old” self – was crucified and died with Jesus when He was crucified on the cross. In reality, it is a done deal! Romans 6:7 tells us that anyone who has died has been freed from sin. Since your old nature has died, you are now free from sin and the way you used to live before you accepted Jesus into your life.
Our old nature, our old self did things apart from God. This old nature was inherited from Adam and Eve who were the first sinners. (Romans 5:12) We used to live life without the help of God’s Holy Spirit, who now lives inside of us. We were unable to live the kind of life that glorified God. We were unable to make behavior changes that we knew would be healthy for us… healthy in mind, body and spirit.
But because of what Jesus did on the cross at Calvary, we now have a new nature and we can live in triumph over death and sin and our old ways of living. (Romans 5:17-19) You and I are in right-standing with God. We are now righteous because of what Jesus did and our faith in what the Word of God says. We are free to live in the power of the cross. This, accompanied with the power that we have because God’s Holy Spirit is in us, enables us to live life more fully. It should enable us to live life with less of a struggle. Sure, we will still struggle in some areas, but we should be able to have significant victory over the way we used to live because of the cross and because of the power that we have. We have the same power in us that raised Jesus from His tomb! The Holy Spirit living in us gives us that same resurrection power. (Ephesians 1:19-20)
This power is to enable us to live in a way that glorifies God and that honors His temple, our bodies. ( 1 Cor. 6:19-20) This power can enable us to make the kind of behavior changes that we know we should make to be healthier.
I am learning that a key in this area is to admit to God, in prayer, that I am unable to make these changes in my own strength… in the abilities of my old nature.. and that I am strongest in my weakness and that I can have the ability to make these changes in God’s strength and power… in the Holy Spirit’s power. (2 Cor. 12:9 and Isaiah 40:28-31)
Thank you Jesus for what you did on the cross because you love me. … thank you for making me whole again!
If you didn’t listen to the song, consider opening this link now … and know that God loves you!
Points to Ponder:
Have you fully recognized and understood that, if you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, your “old” nature died on the cross with Him? Are you living life from this perspective?
Are you appropriating, or have you appropriated, the power of the Holy Spirit in your life to make the lifestyle changes you desire/desired to make?
Are you regularly admitting to God that you do not have the ability to live life to the fullest and that you need Him and His power to do so?
If you do not have Jesus in your life but recognize your need for Him, follow this link.