When I work with a client I am coaching, I remind them that the most important aspect of fitness training is the frequency, or regularity, in which they engage in exercise. The same holds true for the spiritual exercise of Abiding in God's Presence. Principles of Exercise A … [Read more...]
Wellness Devotional: The War for Your Soul. Are You Fit to Win It? – Phillipians 4:8
When I first saw this painting, it really got my attention... especially the nature of the corpse on the ground. My heart sank for a moment as I reflected on the souls of people that have not experienced God's grace as a result of accepting his love. This picture inspired this … [Read more...]
Running 39,000 Miles, Exercise & The Christian Faith
Today I went for a short run before the summer heat and humidity rose too much. The forecast high in Charlotte is 93. On many of my runs I get ideas for my posts on my blog and that was the case today. The thought popped into my mind that I have been running over 40 years. … [Read more...]
A Strategy for The Tour de France and Life – Weekly Health Scripture – Matthew 6:25-34
Over the last week I have enjoyed watching the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong's return to the sport after a three year break. The competition has been terrific. One reason I enjoy watching the Tour is because of the beautiful mountainous locations of some of the daily rides … [Read more...]
Time With God Equips Us for Living Life – Isaiah 40:29-31
Today we likely face more stressors and strains than usual as times in the world are really tough. Since we are in such tough times with the economy, unemployment and the like, you are probably experiencing a high level of stress due to the associated challenges - in your … [Read more...]
Spiritual Activity Guidelines Needed for Americans
Physical Exercise Guidelines - A few months ago the US government released it's latest guidelines for Americans on physical activity. I made post - Government Guidelines for Physical Activity. A summary for adults is: • Engage in 2 1/2 hours a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 … [Read more...]