Lies and false beliefs can derail us from living an abundant life. These are part of the impact of original sin and a type of 'stress' that messes up God's design for perfect wellness for us each. One thing we are called to do as followers of Christ is 'strip off' anything … [Read more...]
6 Things We Must ‘Strip Off’ to Be More Whole – Weekly Health Devotional
God's purpose for each of us is to glorify him by how we live our lives. To be most effective in using the special gifts that God has given us to serve in his Kingdom, we should strive to be as healthy and whole as possible. Here are 6 things, or issues, we should strive to … [Read more...]
Guilt, Satan, Disease and Forgiveness
Occasionally I pass along relevant devotions that I receive. Below are a few lines from tow of David Wilkerson Today devotions on "The Danger of Guilt." Day One "Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose … [Read more...]
Wellness Devotional: The War for Your Soul. Are You Fit to Win It? – Phillipians 4:8
When I first saw this painting, it really got my attention... especially the nature of the corpse on the ground. My heart sank for a moment as I reflected on the souls of people that have not experienced God's grace as a result of accepting his love. This picture inspired this … [Read more...]
Weekly Health Scripture: 1 Tim 2:4-6 – Freedom from Oppression & Tension
Do you struggle with past hurts? Is your body in a constant state of inner tension and stress? Are you battling an addiction of some sort? Do you eat emotionally? Is there some other thinking pattern or behavioral pattern that keeps you from feeling totally at peace and free? If … [Read more...]