When I work with a client I am coaching, I remind them that the most important aspect of fitness training is the frequency, or regularity, in which they engage in exercise. The same holds true for the spiritual exercise of Abiding in God’s Presence.
Principles of Exercise
A common acronym in the fitness training arena is FITT. This stands for frequency, intensity, time(or duration) and type. It’s important to address each of these four areas when one is putting together an exercise program. Over the long haul, I believe that the frequency in which an individual engages in exercise is the most important of these. And, when we look at the overall components of fitness, regularity is considered to be one of the key components. The research will show that it is very important to be consistent with exercise if a person desires to become more physically fit. When I work with a client, I try to help them get to the point where they are working out at least three or four days a week. Even if the person is not able to be this consistent, it will certainly pay dividends to be consistently exercising two to three days a week over the long haul.
Spiritual Exercises
Abiding in God’s Presence is one of 18 Spiritual Exercises I have identified that are practices of the Christian faith that may have some relevance to an person’s overall well-being and health. Reading the Bible, praying and meditating or are different ways that we can be in God’s presence and feel a connection to him. I recommend to my clients that they create time every day for these spiritual practices. As with being consistent and regular with physical activity, consistently spending time with God in a way that is meaningful will pay great dividends as it pertains to one’s faith journey.
The more consistently that you spend some time with God, the more opportunity you will have to hear his small voice and to understand his will for you. Making a practice of reading the Bible is another way that you can hear from God and understand his will for your life. In fact, I’d have to say that this is the number one way that God speaks to us — through his Word.
Questions to Reflect On:
Have you spent some quiet time with God today? How frequently are you spending time with God? How often do you read the Bible? Are you as consistent in spending time alone with God as you are in engaging in physical activity?
Resources on Spiritual Exercises:
Article – An Introduction to Spiritual Exercises
Article – Get FITT Spiritually and Physically
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Allana Williams says
We should not only exercise physically. More so, we need to have time to exercise our faith.
Callie says