Through Dale’s reading about the research on faith or spirituality and health and his understanding of biblical truths, he’s identified certain “Spiritual Exercises” that one might consider practicing regularly to grow in their faith. In turn, these exercises may impact favorably on one’s emotional and physical health. They are included in the Bible, God’s guidebook, that He has given us to live by. The research does clearly show that there is a strong relationship between many of these attitudes, beliefs and practices and health and well being. To put the value of these spiritual exercises into perspective, Dale has developed a model of faith and health.
Spiritual Fitness Assessment
Based upon Dale’s insight of current research and his understanding of biblical truths, he developed a Spiritual Fitness Assessment – a 40 item instrument – that assesses 18 spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices (Spiritual Exercises) that may impact on one’s emotional, mental and physical health. Read about the corresponding Spiritual Exercises below.
Read an abstract of an article published in the Journal of Religion and Health of a study of 196 undergraduate students that investigated the psychometric properties of the Spiritual Fitness Assessment. The full article – Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Spiritual Fitness Assessment – is at the link to the left. Researchers interested in a follow-up study are encouraged to contact Dale.
“Spiritual Exercises For a Healthier Life” Booklet
Dale has written a 34-page booklet, available in PDF format, that addresses each of the 18 Spiritual Exercises below. Each exercise has a section for “What the Bible Says”, “What the Research Says”, and “What You Can Do.” View an abbreviated PDF file – Spiritual Exercises for a Healthier Life Booklet – to see eight sample pages from the booklet.
Purchase the booklet. Cost $4.99
Spiritual Fitness Assessment – Purposes and Use
Fitness and health professionals might use this spiritual fitness assessment with their clients to educate and inspire them to integrate faith into their ‘exercise’ routines. There is no scoring mechanism for the assessment. Based upon a person’s responses to questions, they could be guided by a more spiritually fit/mature person. An individual could also learn more about the 18 Spiritual Exercises by reading the booklet above. Read this document about the intended purpose and use of the assessment.
Spiritual Fitness Assessment – Permission to Reprint and Use
For permission to reprint and administer this assessment, see the Products for Purchase page. There are two levels of permission, one for non profit use and one for professional use.
Spiritual Exercises
Below is a listing of Spiritual Exercises that you might consider practicing regularly to grow in your faith. In turn, these spiritual exercises may impact favorably on your emotional and physical health. We are not aware of research that has been conducted which demonstrates that if a person practices any or all of these exercises they will experience improved health, however, these practices are based on Biblical truths. They are included in God’s guidebook that He has given us to live by. The research does clearly show, however, that there is a strong relationship between many of these attitudes, beliefs and practices and health and well being. Read this short article – An Introduction to Spiritual Exercises for a Healthier Life.
“Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. This is true and everyone should accept it.” 1st Timothy 4:7-9 First Edition of the New Living Translation
Spiritual Exercises Related to Your Beliefs and Attitude
- Believe in God
- Believe God Forgives You
- Believe God’s Spirit Lives in You
Spiritual Exercises Related to Your Relationship with God
- Read and Study the Bible
- Believe In & Receive God’s Love
- Love God
- Pray and Meditate
- Obey God
- Cry Out to God
- Surrender to God/Let Go
- Abide in God’s Presence
- Have Faith & Trust in God
Spiritual Exercises Related to How You Practice Your Faith
- Confess Your Sins
- Forgive
- Attend Church/Worship with Others
- Be in Community with Others
- Love & Serve Others
- Think Spiritual Thoughts/Renew Your Mind
To receive a single attractive listing of the 18 Spiritual Exercises – in the form of a bookmark – for free, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope to our address on the Contact Page and we’ll be happy to send back a bookmark to you. (Double click on the bookmark to see a larger view.)
To purchase 25 or more bookmarks for an event or special occasion, please visit the Products for Purchase page.
“…Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. This is true and everyone should accept it.” 1 Timothy 4:7-9 (New Living Translation – First Edition)