Thought I'd pass along information about this upcoming conference to you. The 2012 conference, Forgiveness, Hope, Healing: Building an Effective Cancer Ministry, is set for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 21 in Philadelphia, PA. The organizer of the conference is the Release … [Read more...]
Healthcare, Wellness and Wholeness – Forgiveness Heals
Another post with my thoughts from reading Health Care You Can Live With by Dr. Scott Morris, founder of the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tennessee. Chapter 20 of Morris' book is on forgiveness. This topic is of such significance that it will be the only chapter covered in … [Read more...]
Sin, Guilt and Your Health – A Health Devotional. Psalm 32:1-6
This morning, during my quiet time with God, I was reading Psalm 32 and was reminded of the connection between sin, guilt and health. In this Psalm, David writes that when he refused to confess his sin that he felt weak and miserable and that he groaned all day long. He also … [Read more...]
Forgiveness, Healing and Health – Colossians 3:13 – Faith and Health Devotional
This morning's Charlotte Observer has an article titled "The Ability to Forgive ay Help You Heal.” The subtitle for the article is 'Holding onto a Grudge is Bad for the Immune System, Author Says'. The writer of the article, Jane Glenn Haas, interviewed Reverend Michael Berry, … [Read more...]
Anger Management – Weekly Health Devotional – Ephesians 4:26
As the holiday season gets into full swing, often there are angry meltdowns in stores, restaurants, airports and elsewhere. Many people are exhausted, stressed and worried about money. The December 14th issue of the Wall Street Journal included an article in their Relationships … [Read more...]
Guilt, Satan, Disease and Forgiveness
Occasionally I pass along relevant devotions that I receive. Below are a few lines from tow of David Wilkerson Today devotions on "The Danger of Guilt." Day One "Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose … [Read more...]