Wellness Webinar In late August I'll be starting a 4-week webinar series addressing unhealthy behaviors and the role of faith in changing those behaviors. I'll be sharing my insight about the faith and health link from the Christian perspective and equip you with skills and … [Read more...]
A Simple Wellness Assessment – Weekly Health Scripture – Gal 5:22-23
I've been in the wellness profession for over 25 years. Over that time I've seen many health risk assessments and wellness appraisals, all aimed at providing the participant with a snapshot of their well-being. Some are short with few questions and some are more extensive with a … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why God Wants Us Healthy, Well and Fit
There are probably a few hundred reasons that might motivate you to care for yourself and to be healthy. Here are five, actually four, reasons that motivate me at a really deep level... and I think that these are reasons why God would want us all to be motivated by. It … [Read more...]