The very informative and insightful Understanding and Applying the Faith and Health Link Workshop now has 2 options. Many of you have indicated that you're unable to participate in a live workshop during the times I have them scheduled. So, I've just made available a recorded … [Read more...]
New Dates of Courses & Teleseminars. Wellness Coaching.
I've just realized that I haven't communicated to you the dates that I've selected for upcoming teachings and courses. I also wanted to remind you of an opportunity to benefit from my wellness coaching. Teleseminar/Workshop - Understanding and Applying the Faith and Health … [Read more...]
Christian Life Coach Training
Christian Life Coach Training Have you ever wondered whether God has gifted you to be a Christian Life Coach? Well, I'm partnering with Christian Coach Institute as they are beginning to educate, equip and encourage Christians who desire to be life coaches. Life Coach courses … [Read more...]
The Spirituality-Health Connection: An Introduction – Free Wellness Webinar
I'm pleased to announce this free 1-hour webinar, or online seminar, on September 3rd, at 7:00 PM EDT. As of Wed, Sep 2nd, we have over 40 people participating. Hope you'll join us. My intent and heart is to provide an overview of the Spirituality-Health Connection from a … [Read more...]
Wellness Webinar Series Coming Soon – 1st Session FREE
Wellness Webinar In late August I'll be starting a 4-week webinar series addressing unhealthy behaviors and the role of faith in changing those behaviors. I'll be sharing my insight about the faith and health link from the Christian perspective and equip you with skills and … [Read more...]