Lifestyle Factors and Your Health By some estimates, approximately 40% of all deaths in the United States are premature (at least 900,000 deaths annually) and are due to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as tobacco use, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, misuse of alcohol and drugs, … [Read more...]
Wellness Wednesday – God’s Power Gives Strength
Looking for Strength from God? When we have strength we can make it through tough times. This strength enables us to live a healthy lifestyle and to manage the stress that is present. Are you looking for insight about how God can be a source of strength? Today my devotionals led … [Read more...]
Hummingbirds Drink Nectar for Strength – Samuel 17:1-51
Hummingbirds Require Nectar Hummingbirds live on nectar from flowers and the sugars that are found in specialty feeders. I have two plants out back that have attracted Ruby Throated Hummingbirds for the past five years. One is an Autumn Sage. The other is a Black and Blue … [Read more...]
God – A Source of Strength During Tough Times – Weekly Health Scripture Devotional – Eph. 6:10
People are looking for strength in their lives today as much as any time in the recent past. I see this played out in the number of times that people have landed on my site with searches for strength using search engines. Take a look at the graphics below which summarize … [Read more...]
God Equips Us for Doing His Work – Weekly Faith and Health Scripture – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God created each of us - you and me - as His masterpiece, His workmanship, to do the good works He planned for us long ago. This is what scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:10. But there's a catch. It's only by accepting Jesus as our savior that we become "new" people and have … [Read more...]
Is the Power of the Cross at Work in Your Life? – Romans 6:6
Have you realized substantial victory from your old and sinful nature since you've become a Christian or are you still "stuck" in a major rut by your old thinking patterns and unhealthy behaviors? Consider opening this link and listing to this song as you read this post. Be … [Read more...]