John Wesley was an 18th-century Anglican priest and founder of Methodism. He also cared about people’s bodies. Through his sermons and writings, he often advocated a holistic approach towards spiritual and physical health, emphasizing vigorous exercise, fresh air, and healthy … [Read more...]
Suffer From Headaches? God’s Prescription is Trust – Proverbs 3:5
June 6-12 is National Headache Awareness Week as recognized by the National Headache Foundation. The page at the link I've provided has some excellent educational material on the topic. I certainly have not seen such complete medical documentation and reference material on … [Read more...]
Faith and Health Link – Simplifying the Message
Over the past few days I've been reflecting on how I might simplify the message I've been writing and speaking about. My thought has been that the more concise I can articulate this message, the easier it will be to explain to others and for them to understand. With that in … [Read more...]
Key Links in the Spirituality and Health Connection
Spirituality and Health - A Working Model This is a somewhat creative attempt to capture my ideas on many of the key aspects of the connection between one's faith and their health. I used a mind mapping website to create this. It has limitations, but I'm pretty pleased with the … [Read more...]
Caring for Your Spiritual Heart: Weekly Health Scripture and Devotional – Proverbs 4:23
The month of February is recognized as heart month. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th. During this time of year, many of us are thinking about how we can demonstrate love toward a person we care about or a family member. It can also be a time to reflect on how we are … [Read more...]
Depression, Osteoporosis and Faith – Understanding the Connection
What the Research Says Osteoporosis is the most widespread degenerative disease in the developed world, afflicting 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over 50. Despite the accumulating evidence for a connection between depression and decreased bone density, official authorities, such … [Read more...]