Here’s yet another post with insight and thoughts captured from my reading of Health Care You Can Live With by Dr. Scott Morris, founder of the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tennessee. The excerpts below are directly from the referenced chapters. Excerpts From Chapters 12, … [Read more...]
Search Results for: shame
Sin, Guilt and Your Health – A Health Devotional. Psalm 32:1-6
This morning, during my quiet time with God, I was reading Psalm 32 and was reminded of the connection between sin, guilt and health. In this Psalm, David writes that when he refused to confess his sin that he felt weak and miserable and that he groaned all day long. He also … [Read more...]
Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect Health – God, Faith and Healing
Almost 60% of American adults say they had difficult childhoods featuring abusive or troubled family members or parents who were absent due to separation or divorce. Nearly 9% say that while growing up they underwent five or more "adverse childhood experiences" (ACES) ranging … [Read more...]
65 Positive Affirmations Using Scripture on Twitter
These affirmations using scripture were made on Twitter since April 22nd. Enjoy To receive affirmations on Twitter, click on the image to the right. God is attentive to my prayers because I am in a right relationship with him. 1 Peter 3:12 Because my old life was buried … [Read more...]
Faith and Health Link – Simplifying the Message
Over the past few days I've been reflecting on how I might simplify the message I've been writing and speaking about. My thought has been that the more concise I can articulate this message, the easier it will be to explain to others and for them to understand. With that in … [Read more...]
Guilt, Satan, Disease and Forgiveness
Occasionally I pass along relevant devotions that I receive. Below are a few lines from tow of David Wilkerson Today devotions on "The Danger of Guilt." Day One "Guilt can eat away at the spiritual vitality of a Christian like a raging cancer. It causes a person to lose … [Read more...]