Are you in ministry of any sort? Are you using the internet in an intentional way to make a difference for the Kingdom of God? If so, are you using Twitter as part of your ministry efforts? If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that I send out affirmations about … [Read more...]
65 Positive Affirmations Using Scripture on Twitter
These affirmations using scripture were made on Twitter since April 22nd. Enjoy To receive affirmations on Twitter, click on the image to the right. God is attentive to my prayers because I am in a right relationship with him. 1 Peter 3:12 Because my old life was buried … [Read more...]
110 Affirmations Using Bible Verses
These are the affirmations, based on scripture from the Bible, that I’ve tweeted on Twitter since January 25th. If you’re using Twitter and would like to receive them daily, follow @FaithandHealth on Twitter. Read this blog post on how to use Bible scriptures to make … [Read more...]
What Twitterers Are Giving Up During Lent
I came across this today and thought it was pretty cool. Thought that many of you'd be interested, especially if you're on Twitter. Here is the source of the data. A Question For You: What are you trying to give up during Lent? … [Read more...]
49 Personal Affirmations Based on Bible Verses
These are the positive affirmations I’ve tweeted on Twitter during the last two months. If you’re using Twitter and would like to receive them daily, follow me on Twitter. Here's a blog post on how to use Bible scriptures to make affirmations in your own life. These … [Read more...]
50 Daily Affirmations Using Scripture on Twitter
These are the positive affirmations I’ve tweeted on Twitter during the last 50 days. If you're using Twitter and would like to receive them daily, you might want to follow me on Twitter. Read my blog post on how to use Bible scriptures to make affirmations in your own … [Read more...]