Are you in ministry of any sort? Are you using the internet in an intentional way to make a difference for the Kingdom of God?
If so, are you using Twitter as part of your ministry efforts? If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you’ll know that I send out affirmations about God’s promises using scripture.
Pastor, Rick Warren, lead pastor at Saddleback Church in California suggests that internet technology is a gift from God for ministry and that it’s up to each of us as to if and how we’ll use it. Such is the case for using Twitter for ministry.
Using Twitter for Ministry E-Book
Twitter for Ministry is an E-Book that Brandon Cox has just released. Brandon is a pastor at Warren’s Saddleback Church where he now serves as Online Community Facilitator for and leads the Correspondence Team of the Office of Pastor Rick Warren. He’s also a freelance communication and branding consultant and website designer as well as an avid blogger. Brandon helped me with aspects of the design of my website about a year ago and has been influential in my use of Twitter for ministry.
I’ve read Brandon’s book and recommend it to you if you’re still new to the Twitter scene or would like to gain his insight and learn of his suggestions on how to use Twitter for ministry more effectively.
Click here or on the image to the right to view more details or to purchase the E-Book for $10.
Using Twitter for Ministry – Other Primers for Free
Two blog posts on using Twitter in ministry written by Jon Saddington at Church Crunch are resources you may find helpful. Both are short primers – Twitter for Ministry Strategy 101 and Twitter for Ministry Strategy 102.
Using Twitter for Ministry – Health and Wellness
If you are using Twitter in your health-related ministry, I’d love to hear from you. I’ll share all the ideas I receive in a future blog post.
I love using social media to spread the word of the lord. I think it is especially important in reaching our younger followers.
Thanks for the sites! I love the tips and the “language” how to. I’m sure this will help with our kid’s ministry.
God bless.