During my quiet time this morning I was led to Psalm 46.
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!” (1-3)
Thinking about our country’s crisis right now in the economic world you could easily substitute some words for this Psalm and it would apply today:
“So we will not fear even if a financial crisis comes in and the stock market plummets to new lows.” “Let the retirement accounts plummet and crumble and let the people on Wall Street and the stock market tremble as our confidence in the economy is at an all time low.”
The key in these verses is found in verse one and two – God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble so we will not fear.
I think that’s what God is calling us to do during these times. Remember that God is our refuge. He is our strength, so we should not fear – no matter what happens in the economic world or to our personal investments. God is reminding us to be still and know that He is God and know that He is in control and know that He will provide and He will make a way.
It’s in God that we can find our true security, no matter what happens, be it in our personal finances or any other aspect of our life.
I have been reading the works of Watchman Nee, a Chinese Christian author who died in 1972. In his book, The Spiritual Man ( a free on-line ebook), Nee writes about man’s soul and his emotions and how critical it is to allow the Holy Spirit to influence our reactions:
“One quality which characterizes a spiritual person is the great calm he maintains under every circumstance. Whatever may happen around him or however much he may be provoked, he accepts it all calmly and exhibits an unmovable nature. He is one who is able to regulate his every feeling, because his emotion has been yielded to the cross and his will and spirit are permeated with the power of the Holy Spirit. No extreme provocation has the strength to unsettle him. But if one has not accepted the dealing of the cross upon his emotion, then he will be easily influenced, stimulated, disturbed, and even governed by the external world. He will undergo constant change, for emotion shifts often. The slightest threat from outside or the smallest increase in work shall upset him and render him helpless. Whoever genuinely desires to be perfect must let the cross cut deeper into his emotion.” (P. 429)
Finally, let’s also be reminded of what the Psalmist writes in verse 10: “Be still, and know that I am God!”
Related Blog Post – God Gives Strength: Isaiah 40:29
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I am currently in a bad financial crisis and may be losing my house and all other belongings. I am hanging on and praying daily for God to protect me during this time. I am stressed, depressed and really scared. These changes in my life have to do with bad business decisions from my husband. I really could use some prayers and some encouragement. I know God is always with us…but sometimes I wish that my life could be made a little easier. I do good to others and always am willing to help those in need. I haven’t truly been happy for over a year and I am praying daily for God to guide me.
Hi Mariann, Gos hears your cry for Him and His strength. Don’t lose hope. Stay close to Him. Know that this trial is an opportunity to strengthen your faith and your relationship with God. Persevere! ~ Dale
You Said right that “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.”
My son Anthony is very ill. he has bipolar disorder and substance SUBSTANCE ISSUES. He is in a great
place. The treatment center is for kids. He has been there for only seven days. The insurance stopped payment yesterday, saying he needed to be in a behavioral hospital. The placed he is now treats dual diagnosis and treats mind, body and soul. He s good for almost a year and fell into a dangerous crowd and went back to drugs (even went back to drugs). We are so scared. The counselors and doctor are speaking with them right now. Please pray. If he gets out…he will end up dead, whether it be from a shooting or overdose. I know God has a plan for him! Please pray!!!!!!He has been there before and made great progress…it took over 60 days. HELP!
keep up the good work
Hello Femi, thanks for your comment on this important issue. So sorry that you have had such a trial in this area of your life. I have asked a good friend of mine, Tom, to rely to you here. He is a solid believer in Christ and has experienced similar dry seasons in his life. My encouragement to you is to continue to TRUST in our loving and all-powerful God. ~ Dale
I am so tired of living. I have prayed and prayed and prayed and it seems God is nowhere to be seen or heard. I have MBA in Accounting with excellent grades and honors and about to start my PHD in Business Management but I am very much unemployed for about a year now. I cried every night, I went to several interviews only to be turned down, later to learn that some other less qualified people have been hired. I asked God what I have I done. Life is unfair and future is not certain. Several times, I decide to end it all only to walk it backwards and still thanking God for life given.
Hi Femi. I am a friend of Dale who has had a rough go of it over the past couple years. You might be able to relate to my story (since I can certainly relate to yours!). I told my wife several months ago that I was the most “trained” I have ever been in my entire life without folks appreciating my experience or training. I found myself unemployed for the first time in my life (I am 57). What’s up with that, God?! I am still unemployed! I became a trained and qualified EMT last summer to try something new (where I might be appreciated!). But still no job, even as an EMT! That said, I have learned to trust God at a higher level since I don’t know what else is going on in this world that might make my circumstances one day, make sense. And, I had a good interview to become an EMT yesterday. I can’t tell you all the details of my story (there are many) except what I have learned: God is still in control and He has a plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). But there is also a devil who hates me and wants to discourage me (1 John 5:19). So, like any successful person has to do at some point in their journey, I am hanging on tight to God and trusting this all to work out (Romans 8:2) while understanding a break through WILL happen, if I persevere and have faith! Not sure if this will help you in any way but I can relate and I know how hard it is … but you will be better if you can hang in there (and then you will be able to help others who experience the same challenges), just like me. -Tom Wheeler
Thank you for this. My students and I are going through an extremely horrible time due to the loss of one of my students/their classmate. In trying to figure out how I can help them, you’re words and insight really helped. Thank you! God bless!
Help me in prayer for I have a pending case and have made me lose one of my major means of living. This has made me have sleepless nights and am depressed and I lose appetite for everything. My heart is overwhelmed with troubles unless God delivers me.
I have recently been informed that I have a brain tumor. Within the next week I lost my job and my car. I have two wonderful children and at times I feel like my spirit is broken. I pray everyday throughout the day asking God to forgive me and strengthen me. I feel like I am all alone. In the recent year things seems to just fail around me. I ask myself if God is punishing me. My kids don’t need to be punished as well.
I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Be assured that God does not punish. He does discipline those he loves, but he does not punish. I encourage you to do your best to pray and ask God what he wants you to learn from your trials. Keep turning to him for strength and for wisdom. Don’t give up on him. He will not give up on you. In Christ, Dale
I’m struggling terribly right now over a romantic relationship that has fallen apart. I’ve been dating this guy for almost five years and envisioned us having a future together, moved to be closer to him, and without my knowledge he’s been with another woman for a while and just broke news that he’s moving to Texas to be with the love of his life. She is still married to someone else and has a child. I am feeling so emotionally hurt that I feel like I can hardly function. I have so much on my plate that I need to be able to continue what I have to do without falling apart. I feel like I don’t have many people to support me in this area, but yet I don’t want to move back to my home state. Please pray for God to calm this storm, for me to find peace, and to guide my path. The biggest thing I’m struggling with at this moment is just trying to take care of myself– I’m feeling like I could cry at every moment.
Hello Crystal,
I encourage you to read the Word of God – God’s love letter to you!. The book of Isaiah, Chapter 40 in particular, speaks volumes about being on “Mountain top” experiences and valley -“Low moments” where God brings grace and stability to one’s life. Just as our physical bodies require regular food for maximum function, so our spirits/soul need fueling and refueling… but from the Word of God.
I encourage you to feed on God’s Word morning, noon and night (perhaps reading the Psalms) to help you grow in intimacy with God and to provide the “fuel” needed moment by moment! God wants to wipe away your tears and speak special things to you as your Husband (Isaiah 54: 5…For your Maker is your Husband—the Lord of hosts is His name–and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called. –Amplified Bible) who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you!
I might recommend a wonderful book, entitled “My Prince Will Come” by Sheri Rose Shepherd, for you to read. Be reminded that God loves you sooooo much and caused His Son JESUS to pay the ultimate price for you to be called His bride!!!! You can purchase this book from AMAZON or a Christian Bookstore. God is calling you – and really all of us! – to greater intimacy with Him. Your tears are cleansing and are there because you’ve has experienced a significant loss. One thing you can do as you continues to grieve the loss is found in 1 Peter 5:7 – Caste the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) to Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.-Amplified Bible)
I hope this helps Crystal. Others are praying for you too.
My soul is weary with sorrow and right now I feel like God is failing me,in tears.Please pray for me.
Andiswa, I pray that God will give you his strength to persevere in your circumstances. I pray that you do not give up on God, because he is not giving upon you. Continue to seek him in this trial you are going through. God is your refuge and strength, always ready to help you in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1 in Christ, Dale
I know I serve an awesome god, for the last year are so Satan has really tried to discorage me, and make me lose focus on god. Trouble in my marriage, with my daugther and finances, but I give it all to god and I know he is going to show up and show out. Right now I am battling with respect issues in my marriage as well as financial issues, and I needs some believers to stand in agreement with me, that the devil is a liar, and old that he stole from me is return in Jesus name Amen!
Lorie, I’m sorry that you’re being challenged in such a difficult way. Stay close to God… And he will provide you the strength to persevere. Also, during this significant trial, your faith has an opportunity to grow deeper and deeper. Yes, the devil is a liar, but God is faithful…. Ad you can be with His help.
My husband is expecting some business in his office. But lots of obstacles ,he is facing,
He is really stressed out and drinking too much.But I didn’t lose my faith on God.
God will do everything good for us.
Plesae pray for my husband
Magi, I will pray for your husband. God knows the entire situation. Ad he knows your heart… As you have remained faithful in prayer yourself. Blessings to you, Dale
My husband is an alcoholic. He’s been in the hospital more times than I want to remember. His body is starting to give out on him due to his alcohol use. He’s tried all the programs, treatment centers and the such, but still keeps drinking vodka. Help ME see what I can do to deal w/ this myself. I pray for him, but neglect me, cause I don’t feel worthy since no matter how hard I try he still drinks.
Cathi…. How is your husband doing? And how are you doing coping with everything? How may we pray for you?
Cathi, I found this site looking for some comfort and the best way to turn my alcoholic husband over to God. He is living in his truck “somewhere” and drinking himself to death. I am not sure how to turn this over to God and not take it back. Seeing your post my heart breaks for you because I know exactly how your are feeling.
I really feel that only God can fix this mess that my life and my husband’s life has become. God bless you, I hope we both can learn to turn this nightmare over to God.
Hi. I thank God for dis site. Im passing thru so much at d moment but i knw d God that im saving dat he’ll see me thru. Just dat smtimes its so hard to hold on especially whn i see my loved ones being weighed down by what we r passing thru. But then i remind them of situations dat we have passed thru in times past dat God had seen us thru. Praise God
Miriam, we worship an awesome God. He is great and mighty indeed. I’m grateful that you are keeping your eyes on Him, and not your circumstances.
I really need God to interven in the life of my fiancee. I know he will cause i have handed over everything to his able hand. Pls join us in prayers
Hello Mabel,
I lift up you and your fiancee and ask that God work mightily in your lives. I pray that you both experience his rich love and grace and mercy. I pray for discernment and wisdom. I pray for peace and strength and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thanks for this article, God is a living God indeed. I am pretty much calm in bad situations when it comes to me but when it comes to the people I love, I used to get weak but now I believe that the same thing He does for me is the same thing He’ll do for them and I’m much better 🙂 Always trust God
i was recently raped and i have been diagnosed with a severe eye disease. it feels like god is nowhere near my side right now
i don’t want to lose my faith!
Lucinda, As I indicated in my email to you directly, I pray that you do not give up. Satan, the Deceiver, wants you to believe that God does not love you… that He does not care for you. This is a lie. God loves you dearly. During this tough time, He wants you to draw close to him… to cry out to him… to trust in him.
I am now happily employed –
Praise God Laura! Thanks for sharing your faith and trust in our Savior and Provider.
The Bible also states that when two or more agree so be it. I too was in a bind, single mom (divorsed – domestic violence survivor, I thought that I could not survive one more day, then I finally said, “GOD you know me, you know what I need, Show me where you wnat me.” A couple days after throwing my despair out the door my phone started ringing for job interviews. I am not happily employed in a job that I love to wake up to each day. The devil is putting those doubts alive, let GOD take the pain away, he has a plan for all of us.
Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made unto GOD.
And the peace of GOD, which passes all understanding; shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ….Amen……
It’s tough. My job is on the line becuz of a joke. No physical harm done, just embarrassed someone. It’s tough thinking everyday, “This is it”. Pray alot and read the Word. Only comfort I have. I’m being tested and He will lead me to victory. Praise the Lord!!!
Been a very rough year for my husband and I. It seems we have been hit on a daily basis. I am super discouraged, but am trying so hard to remember that God is faithful and that He can pull us out of the most difficult situation. We have 2 beautiful children and are expecting our 3rd – what a beautiful reminder of His love for us.
Yes, our God is faithful. The truths of his character serve to remind us to put our hope in him. I pray that the trials you and your husband are experiencing draw you both closer to Him.
My household of six is going through a huge financial debt. We are drowning in stress and everything seems to be going against us. Things happen, bills accumulate and keep coming out of know where it’s frustrating and so overwhelming. My spirit seeks and I’ve laid it all down to Jesus. I trust in him and I completely surrender my life and control over my finances and our lives to teach us his purpose and plan through this tough time.
Lisa, I pray that as you and your family are in this difficult season that you will indeed continue to put your and trust in Jesus. As we experience these types of trials we have a choice to turn to him and grow in our faith, or to turn away from him. I’m happy for you that you have made a choice to turn to him. Praise the Lord! Dale
I need results! A job a good car my own house and love! Thats nothing for a God that rules all but yet I suffer daily! My faith is destroyed from everthing I attempt failing! I don’t even want to ever get out of bed! I’m broken I’m destroyed! I’m sad! I’m tiered!
Misty, I am so sorry that you are feeling so destroyed and desperate…. The Bible says that when we are truly broken in our spirit and turn to Him, He will respond. I encourage you to keep your heart turned to God…. and trust him to be involved in your life in a personal and meaningful way. In Christ, Dale
I think I’m pregnant and God knows I despise kids! I’m unemployed and the baby is not my fiances! He cheats on me so I decided to pay him back! I love God and I feel like he hates me! My life sucks on every level, I suffer from depression and panic disorder. I pray and nothing happens. I go to church sometimes and no one notices me! I need favor from God and his help!
Hi Misty,
I am glad that you found this post to read… and I pray that the truths in the post sink into your heart and spirit and mind. Although your life is difficult right now… God knows all about your situation. He sees you in church, he knows you are hurting…. and I am certain that he is inviting you to draw closer and closer to him. That is a choice you alone can make. I pray that you will sense God in your life….. keep knocking on his door and he will answer you…. Can I suggest you read Matthew 11:28-30. Prayerfully, Dale
I am tryingt o hold to my faith now I’m goin through Troubled times.I have 5 children to feed,and I am recently unemployed due to medical problems.right now I barely have anything to feed my children everyday.I know god is right by my side.god will be here always.god is great.
Hi Donna, I’m so sorry that times are difficult for you. Sure sounds like you are leaning on God a lot… Which is the best thing. He’ll see you throu this. He has HUGE shoulders. In Christ, Dale
Many times the lord has delivered us before from the same or worse problems,he can do that again if you trullu trust him
Amen! We should be reminded that His ways are higher than our ways…. and what He says in His Word is the truth!
Thanks for your comment.
It’s so easy to doubt God in times of trouble. If only we could remember He’s the one we should turn to as He will most assuredly pull us through.
God will give you a Word for whatever the season is.
I strongly agree with your observation; indeed, sometime its so easy to doubt God in times of trouble: I am a witness to that fact. Thanks. God bless you.