Dr. Christopher Edwards, director of the Behavioral Chronic Pain Management program at Duke University Medical Center, says his pain-management program in Durham, N.C. is seeing a rise in patients amid the current economic crisis: "There's a very strong relationship between the … [Read more...]
Trust in God During Economic Recession and Financially Hard Times
The key to staying grounded during these economically difficult times is keeping your trust in God. After all, what are your alternatives - trusting in yourself, the banks, your employer? As President Obama said in a speech on Monday, "This isn't a "run-of-the-mill … [Read more...]
Have Faith, God is Our Strength in Times of Trouble – Psalm 46
During my quiet time this morning I was led to Psalm 46. "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as … [Read more...]
In Times of Stress Like This
USA Today reported on the physical consequences related to the stress people are under, especially over this last week. An article on September 19th - today as I write this - titled "Money Woes, Other Stresses Bring Unwanted Physical Response" says "As the market melts down, … [Read more...]