With record-high suicide rates among U.S. soldiers, the Army’s Chief of Chaplains has proclaimed Wednesday, April 8, a day of prayer and fasting for the military. Read the proclamation here. Chaplain (Major General) Douglas L. Carver has called on all Army chaplains, as well as … [Read more...]
The Economy, Stress and Your Pain – Weekly Health Devotional – Matthew 6:25-34
Dr. Christopher Edwards, director of the Behavioral Chronic Pain Management program at Duke University Medical Center, says his pain-management program in Durham, N.C. is seeing a rise in patients amid the current economic crisis: "There's a very strong relationship between the … [Read more...]
The US Army Chaplain Corps & Senior Leader Training
This week I have been privileged to spend time with senior Chaplains of the US Army. Over 350 Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants from around the world are spending time together in Hilton Head, SC to receive updates and various trainings under the theme of Renewing the Soldier's … [Read more...]
Trust in God During Economic Recession and Financially Hard Times
The key to staying grounded during these economically difficult times is keeping your trust in God. After all, what are your alternatives - trusting in yourself, the banks, your employer? As President Obama said in a speech on Monday, "This isn't a "run-of-the-mill … [Read more...]
Stress & Your Health – How a Personal Faith in God Can Help
Stressed lately? Are you keenly aware of how chronic stress can impact your health? Did you know that 75-90% of visits to the doctors' office are related to stress? (The American Psychological Association) I have sensed God calling me to share in a concise way the truth about … [Read more...]
Find Strength in God When Stressed – 1 Samuel 30:6 – Weekly Faith and Health Scripture
Are you stressed? Unemployed? Lost half of your retirement savings? Grieving the loss of a loved one? Battling a significant health issue? Perhaps you're distressed over something else in your life. The longer one stays stressed, the more likely the body will eventually pay a … [Read more...]