Some months ago, my friend and fellow Faith and Health Ambassador Stephanie Wilkins, came through a really difficult struggle with COVID 19. In this post, she shares about this personal struggle and how she turned to God and her strong faith and her relationships with her family … [Read more...]
Are You Prepared for a Difficult Life Event?
When a major life event suddenly occurs - like a death in the family, a job loss, or an out of the blue health diagnosis - how do you respond? The degree to which your relationship with the God of the Bible is strong will make all the difference in the world as to how you … [Read more...]
My Wedding and a New Chapter of My Life
On the 7th of November I married my sweetheart, Janice LaVore. Our ceremony was filled with God's presence and love and we're so happy that most of our family and a few close friends were able to join us. As I mentioned in my post last week, this ministry would not be what it … [Read more...]
A Personal Announcement and Celebration
I've prepared this post in advance and scheduled it to be published automatically so that I can share some exciting news. At this hour, I'm standing at the altar of my church being wed to my best friend, soul mate and sweetheart, Janice. Spiritually, she is my … [Read more...]
Fly Fishing and Faith: It’s About Connection
Last week I was in Casper, Wyoming helping a friend conduct fitness standards testing for the city's Police Department. I'd driven through Wyoming before but never spent any time in the state. It so happens that this area is home to some of the best trout fishing in the … [Read more...]
Backpacking in the Smoky Mountains – A Spiritual Experience
Spending two days in the hills of Smoky Mountain National Park with your two boys is great for your spiritual, emotional and physical health. It is an especially sweet thing when it's a day before your birthday! Danny, my younger son, drove up from Savannah, Ga. to join Drew, … [Read more...]