People are looking for strength in their lives today as much as any time in the recent past. I see this played out in the number of times that people have landed on my site with searches for strength using search engines. Take a look at the graphics below which summarize … [Read more...]
Fly Fishing and Faith: It’s About Connection
Last week I was in Casper, Wyoming helping a friend conduct fitness standards testing for the city's Police Department. I'd driven through Wyoming before but never spent any time in the state. It so happens that this area is home to some of the best trout fishing in the … [Read more...]
Time With God Equips Us for Living Life – Isaiah 40:29-31
Today we likely face more stressors and strains than usual as times in the world are really tough. Since we are in such tough times with the economy, unemployment and the like, you are probably experiencing a high level of stress due to the associated challenges - in your … [Read more...]
Jesus Praying Through Me – Faith and Health Scripture – Galatians 2:20
Last week I prayed in a way that I had never prayed before. My heart has been heavy for an individual for many months. I sensed that person needed a special touch from God from deep within. On many, many occasions I had prayed for him. In my Men's Bible study we have been … [Read more...]
Being Connected to God
My most recent article, Abiding in God's Presence, for Faith and Fitness magazine is on the spiritual exercise of abiding with God. When we stay closely connected to God, we can enjoy the many fruits that He desires for us to have like peace and kindness and joy along with the … [Read more...]
Where I Write My Best Stuff
It's Labor Day and it's been a few months since I have been able to get outside to my patio out back and write something. It's just been too darn hot in Charlotte during these hot summer months. I have read about how writers have a spot that they like to do their writing from. … [Read more...]