To say that faith or spirituality or that practicing a religion will have an impact on your health is oversimplifying things. In fact, it’s missing the point altogether. The real point is getting to know God and His qualities and experiencing His love. Let me explain. Reading … [Read more...]
Spiritual & Physical Health and the Need for a Doctor – Weekly Health Devotional – Matthew 9:12
"Healthy people don't need a doctor, sick people do." (Matthew 9:12) The Great Physician, Jesus, told people that it was those who were sick and needed to be made well that needed the help of a doctor, not those who were already well. In that scenario the Pharisees had asked … [Read more...]
The Scriptures, Jesus and Stress – Matthew 11:28-30
Over the last four months more people have landed on my website and blog looking for Scriptures related to stress than for any other reason. In that light I thought it would be helpful to make another entry on this topic. In January of this year I made an entry about Jesus on … [Read more...]
Jesus Praying Through Me – Faith and Health Scripture – Galatians 2:20
Last week I prayed in a way that I had never prayed before. My heart has been heavy for an individual for many months. I sensed that person needed a special touch from God from deep within. On many, many occasions I had prayed for him. In my Men's Bible study we have been … [Read more...]