“Healthy people don’t need a doctor, sick people do.” (Matthew 9:12) The Great Physician, Jesus, told people that it was those who were sick and needed to be made well that needed the help of a doctor, not those who were already well. In that scenario the Pharisees had asked Him why He was eating with scum or sinners. Jesus was talking about those who were sinners and especially in need of becoming spiritually well. .
Today, research is clearly showing that there’s often, but not always, a relationship between certain physical conditions and diseases and one’s spiritual health. Consider some of these conditions and diseases: addictions, allergies, arthritis, asthma, bulimia, chronic back pain, cold sores, coronary artery disease, Crohn’s disease, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, impotency, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, obesity, panic attacks, post traumatic stress syndrome, reflux, rosacea and ulcers.
If you suffer from one of these conditions or you know someone that does, it’s quite possible that an aspect of your or their spiritual health may not be well and that over time the spiritual condition has affected the body with one of these conditions. Specifically consider the degree to which your relationship with God, with other people and with yourself is well. Reflect on whether or not there is any inner conflict at all in regards to your relationship with yourself, others or God. Are you sick or do you need to be made well from one of these conditions I’ve listed or perhaps another condition that has as its root some inner conflict with yourself with God or with another person? Is there an existing open wound, hurt, unforgiveness, resentment, guilt, shame or any other strong negative emotion related to any of your relationships? If so, then you could benefit from a touch by the Great Physician.
God’s greatest commandment for us is that we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and that we should love other people as we love ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39) Since this is the principle that He wants us to follow more than any other, it certainly makes sense that if we are not right with this commandment that we might have trouble in our lives. For many of us, a long-term conflict or issue with an aspect of our relationships may be manifesting itself with a physical condition. You see, our bodily health is often like a barometer of the health of our soul. If conditions deep down inside of us are not right, over time the mind, body and spirit can interact with one another and often cause physical health problems and conditions.
Are you sick and in need of a doctor? If so, turn to Jesus.