The account of the woman at the well in John 4 is a beautiful story of how Jesus desires to meet our deepest needs. (Now, if you're a man, don't stop here because this story is about a woman. It applies to all of us!) If we are not allowing Jesus to meet our deepest needs on … [Read more...]
How Are You Attempting to Meet Your Deepest Spiritual Needs?
Because God created you as a spiritual being, you have deep spiritual needs that only he can meet. How might you be attempting to meet them, apart from God? The story about the woman at the well in Chapter 4 of John is an excellent example of how a person can try to meet their … [Read more...]
Jesus, Thirst and Our Spiritual Needs John 17:37-38 Weekly Health Devotional
We all need water. According to many sources the human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females. Our lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight; blood contains almost 70% water; body fat contains 10% water and bone has about 22% water. A newborn … [Read more...]
Water, Jesus and Life. Are You Thirsty? Weekly Health Devotional – John 7:38
This week, the East coast of the states will be experiencing record high temperatures. Health experts will recommend that people living there should drink lots of water to replace what they lose trying to stay cool through perspiration. Yes, that is excellent advice for our … [Read more...]