I'm outside on a cool, beautiful day enjoying the almost Fall-like weather. Two devotionals I read this earlier morning had to do with the condition of our heart. Proverbs tells us "Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23 And … [Read more...]
How Are You Trying To Meet Your Deep Spiritual Needs?
The account of the woman at the well in John 4 is a beautiful story of how Jesus desires to meet our deepest needs. (Now, if you're a man, don't stop here because this story is about a woman. It applies to all of us!) If we are not allowing Jesus to meet our deepest needs on … [Read more...]
Key Links in the Spirituality and Health Connection
Spirituality and Health - A Working Model This is a somewhat creative attempt to capture my ideas on many of the key aspects of the connection between one's faith and their health. I used a mind mapping website to create this. It has limitations, but I'm pretty pleased with the … [Read more...]
Weekly Faith and Health Scripture: Proverbs 14:30 & 4:23 – Your Heart & Your Health
The author of these proverbs wrote over 2000 years ago about the importance of taking care of our heart. A traditional version of the Bible records Proverbs 14:30 this way: "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." A more contemporary version reads: "A … [Read more...]