The last two days for me have been terrific! I attribute this to a practice I have incorporated into my morning physical exercise. I have read out loud personal affirmations that I have typed and printed out. A few weeks ago I started to browse through my Bible, beginning with the book of Matthew, to find verses I had previously underlined. These verses must have made an impact on me at one time or another. I wrote out these scriptures in the form of a personal affirmation. A partial list is at at this link so you can get the idea. These are God’s truths as they speak to me personally. Reading these personal confessions out loud has a tremendous effect. It gets God’s truth deep into my spirit. It helps to mix my spirit with His Holy Spirit that lives in me. It helps to renew my mind. It sets my mind on things above. And it gets me thinking about God and Jesus and who I am in God… my true identity. As I have taken time to do this each of the last two days, it has prepared me for the day and circumstances that lie ahead of me. I challenge you to try this. Don’t just take my list and use it but create your own confessions. Perhaps use the same technique I used if you have made it a practice of underlining scriptures. Or you might look into the books of Proverbs or Psalm to pick out relevant verses that you find meaningful. If you do this, I’ll bet that you notice a difference in how the day goes. Let me know……. and have a great day in the Lord!! Posted to Faith and Health Connection BLOG