Have you ever wondered where to look in the Bible to read about the benefits of obeying God's commandments and principles? I have found that Psalm 119 is the most comprehensive chapter that speaks to this issue. You can read a contemporary version of this Psalm at … [Read more...]
Confessions of Faith
Summer and more humid weather has arrived here in Charlotte. That makes it easier to spend just a little more time inside than outdoors. And this makes it easier to read and write more than normal. Recently I have enjoyed reading and listening to CDs by Charles Capps, a noted … [Read more...]
Surgery Postponed
On Friday I went to the hospital for my pre-surgery visit to have lab work done and to talk with the anesthesiologist. I had been wondering whether he would say that surgery is a good idea with the problems I have been having with my vocal cords. When I met with the … [Read more...]
Trust and Faith
This past Thursday I visited with another Urologist/Oncologist to receive another opinion about treatment for the prostate cancer. He was up front and direct. He told me that it was a no brainer... surgery is the way to go. I told him of a tentative date I had secured for … [Read more...]
Time Alone With God
Happy St. Patty's Day! The more time I spend alone with God, the more clearly I hear His small voice whispering to me. I was reminded of this today towards the end of my quiet time with Him. As I move forward in my life, and in my Faith and Health Connection ministry, it … [Read more...]
For Fitness and Health Professionals
Ok... you're a fitness/health professional and the purpose of your role is to help your clients/patients be more healthy. You understand that one's spiritual health is every bit as important as one's physical health. You recognize that there is a connection between one's faith … [Read more...]