On Friday I went to the hospital for my pre-surgery visit to have lab work done and to talk with the anesthesiologist. I had been wondering whether he would say that surgery is a good idea with the problems I have been having with my vocal cords. When I met with the anesthesiologist, he was not too keen on the idea of surgery, specifically, having a breathing tube down my throat for 3 hours. He conferred with another anesthesiologist and the decision was that surgery was not in order as scheduled. It was to be today, April 30th.
You can imagine how this rocked my boat somewhat. My sister was to fly in the next day from Dayton and my daughter was driving in on Sunday and another sister had flight reservations for later in the week. I quickly made calls to them so they could cancel plane reservations and change plans.
I wondered and asked God, “What is going on? What is your purpose in all this? Is it so you can stretch my faith? Is it through the delay and in my stretched faith and asking for healing, that your plan is to miraculously heal me?”
Throughout the weekend, my thoughts have been that God is in control and He does have a purpose in all this….. it’s just that I do not yet know His purpose.
So here I sit on Monday morning, at a time that I was to be in surgery… or just getting out of it and in the recovery room and am wondering what God has in store. I’m unemployed, have laryngitis, and now a new surgery date of June 14th. Unquestionably, God is at work… He always is…and I am trusting that His plan in all this is greater than I could imagine.
Over the last three months I have moved forward in my ministry of the Faith and Health Connection in a huge way. Last week I gave two workshops and I am preparing for one in June. I have written two articles about spiritual exercise as well as a first draft of a booklet on that topic. I am sure that the enemy has not liked what I have been doing. He does not want me, or anyone for that matter, talking about Biblical truths and how they impact a person’s health. So quite possibly, Satan is playing havoc with my personal health. He knows that if he confuses me and could cause me to become depressed over my situation that I could become ineffective in what I am trying to accomplish with my ministry.
What I have done is to try to be as humble as possible and as dependant as possible on God through all this. I am praising Him for His love for me and the faith and strength that He is providing me. I am reading more about healing and trying to maintain the mindset and disposition of my spirit the way I understand God would want me to so that I will be victorious in all this. All for the Glory of God.
Dear Daf,
As I watch you, my closest and best friend, going through these trials, I know that I am witnessing a man of GREAT faith, rock solid faith, stand firm and steadfast for GOD. You are a gentle, humble and kind man and an inspiration to me, and I am sure others who know you, and even those who only read of your situation. Thank you for making a positive difference in our world, and for standing bold, and most of all for your courage and love of GOD and all that is good.
447 Jel