This past weekend I attended a conference at Regent University in Virginia Beach – The Holy Spirit, Science and Theological Education. This is an annual conference that Regent University hosts on the topic of Renewal Theology.
I learned of the conference through a monthly newsletter from the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University. One of my main interests in attending was to hear Dr. Harold Koenig present a talk – The Role of Faith and the Holy Spirit in Health and Illness: Research and Clinical Application. Dr. Koenig is one of the guest presenters in the Faith and Health Ambassador course that I lead.
Another reason that I wanted to attend the conference was to meet the author of a book I have recently read. Diane Chandler, Ph.D., is on faculty in the Divinity School at Regent University and is the author of Christian Spiritual Formation: An Integrated Approach for Personal and Relational Wholeness.
I was able to visit briefly with both Chandler and Koenig. Diane and I had a brief discussion about other books on personal wellness written from a Christian faith perspective. Harold and I shared with one another what our current areas of focus are. I learned that he is doing quite a bit of work on the topic of PTSD and moral injury in soldiers. One of the talks that I attended was presented by Lisa McCoy, M.D., a physician who is employed by the State of Virginia who’s focus is public health and preventive medicine. She spoke on stress, worry and the role of the Holy Spirit in coping with stress. I hope to be able to follow up with Lisa to discuss my Life, Stress, Faith and Health Model.
I’m happy I have attended the two-day conference as I gained some new insight into the link between our Christian Faith and health and some specific ways that the Holy Spirit is involved. Most importantly, I was able to make some new professional acquaintances and establish friendships with some people who are passionate about Jesus.
One unexpected blessing was that I was able to drive through some beautiful Virginia countryside on a back road for over two hours in beautiful Spring weather …. with the top down on my convertible.
Our loving God sure has created a stunningly beautiful earth!
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