Attend the
Faith and Health Ambassador Course
No Course is currently scheduled
This Course is based on the PathWay 2 Wholeness Bible Study mentioned below.
Visit this link to learn more – PathWay to Wholeness Bible Study
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:20.
How Will This Course Benefit You and Your Church?
- As a course participant, you’ll gain insight and knowledge about the link between faith and health. You’ll be able to ‘connect the dots’ between principles of our Christian faith and factors that affect one’s health. You’ll also grow spiritually, deepen your relationship with God, have opportunity to receive inner healing and experience increased fruit in your life.
- Your pastor, will become better educated about the link between the Christian faith and health because of what you’ll share with him/her. He/she will then be able to teach on this topic more effectively.
- The members of your organization or church who participate in the program – “PathWay 2 Wholeness: The Christian Faith and Whole-Person Health” – will have an opportunity to grow in their faith, receive healing, experience a more abundant life and become healthier. From this improved whole-person health, these participants will be better able to use the gifts God has given them to serve others and further his Kingdom. They will experience more fruit in their life. In this, God will be glorified.
- Members of your community who attend a talk, workshop, or the PathWay 2 Wholeness program will become more familiar with the link between the Christian faith and well-being. Their spiritual lives may become transformed. Initiatives that a Faith and Health Ambassador lead can be an effective means of community outreach and evangelism.
Course Details
- The Need: People are under chronic stress and relationship challenges of all types. The stress and relational conflict leads to unhealthy behavior which affects lifestyle-related diseases that continue to sky rocket. Over 60% of people in the U.S. are overweight or obese. We suffer from many other health conditions that are caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices. We are spiritual beings that have a body, and our spiritual issues are at the root of many, many health problems. Government, public health and other efforts that address health typically place a focus on the external and policies. We believe that the faith community must lead the way in helping care for people’s spirit and soul, as it relates to whole person health. Pastors and church leaders must have an understanding about spirit-mind-body health from a biblical perspective so they can teach those under their care.
- Our Motivation Behind Offering the Course: We recognize the need and opportunity addressed above. We wholeheartedly believe that Christ-followers can more effectively serve in God’s Kingdom when they are healthy. Knowing that this training will help the participant become more whole – first in spirit, then emotionally, mentally and physically – inspires us. We are passionate about equipping other believers to address the needs mentioned above in their church and community, and we believe this course will make a huge difference, in the lives of the course participants as well as the lives of those who they share the information with.
- Purpose of the Course: To teach and equip people to be advocates for the link between the Christian faith and health to the glory of God and for the advancement of His Kingdom. To help course participants apply what they learn to their lives personally and to grow in their faith and become more whole. To equip Ambassadors to be able to facilitate PathWay 2 Wholeness programs at their local church, ministry or in their community.
- Course Format: 11 weekly, live webinars/teleclasses in a virtual classroom setting (2 hours each). There will also be an online community where participants can connect with one another and are asked to participate in weekly forum discussions.
- Course Content: This course includes all the content of the PathWay 2 Wholeness program plus additional material that addresses the role of the Faith and Health Ambassador.
- Key Course Objectives: Participants will be able to –
- Describe the interconnectedness of spirit, soul and body and how beliefs, thoughts and behaviors affect health using the Life, Stress, Faith and Health model taught in the course.
- Explain how life stressors can adversely affect health and identify symptoms of poorly managed stress in their own lives.
- Assess their lifestyle and level of spiritual fitness using a health habits inventory and Spiritual Fitness Assessment.
- Understand the spiritual and emotional roots of unhealthy and addictive behavior, and strongholds.
- Understand key dynamics involved in weight management and the principles of nutrition and physical activity .
- Define the relationship between religion and health according to what the latest research shows.
- Understand key biblical principles for bearing fruit and whole person health.
- Create an action plan for their spiritual growth and whole-person health.
- Provide their churches/organization with educational resources that will raise awareness and provide insight about the link between the Christian faith and health.
- Present an informational talk to members of their congregation and community about the link between faith and health and how it applies to their life purpose, quality of life, health and wholeness.
- Lead a 10-week program, “PathWay 2 WholenessSM: The Christian Faith and Whole-Person Health.”
Course Director and Primary Instructor: Dale Fletcher, M.S., founded the Faith and Health Connection ministry in 2005. He has over 25 years experience in the wellness and fitness field. Read Dale’s bio sketch here and the mission, vision and beliefs of the Faith and Health Connection ministry here. The ministry’s statement of faith can be read at this link.
- Guest Presenters: Each of these three presenters will address topics related to their area of expertise via presentations that were recorded during our beta course.
Terri Lykins, RD is the author of Soul Food – A Dietician’s Guide to Nutritional Transformation. She is a registered, licensed dietitian with 20 years of experience in clinical and wellness nutrition. God has gifted Terri with spiritual revelations regarding the path for breaking free from the chains of emotional eating. Terri shares her insights into weight management and healthy eating, with a special focus on the spiritual perspective.
Kara Davis, MD, practices internal medicine at a non-profit health facility in the suburbs of Chicago. She has published two books on the topic of weight loss, one of which is Spiritual Secrets of Weight Loss – A 50 Day Renewal of Mind, Body and Spirit. Her most recent book is Spiritual Secrets to a Healthy Heart – Uncovering the Roots of America’s #1 Killer. Dr. Davis instructs on the impact that stress has on the spirit, soul and body.
Harold Koenig, MD is the Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University. He has published extensively in the fields of mental health and religion, with over 300 scientific peer-reviewed articles and 40 books in print or in preparation. Dr. Koenig provides an overview on the recent research in the field of spirituality, religion, faith and health.
- Textbooks: We will use two books for reading assignments in addition to the Bible. God, Medicine and Miracles, by Dan Fountain, MD will be the primary book. Soul Food, by Terri Lykins will also be used.
- Facilitator Package: As part of the course, you’ll be equipped with a complete Facilitator Package to be able to conduct a 10-session program in your organization or church titled “PathWay 2 WholenessSM: The Christian Faith and Whole-Person Health.” Two of our sessions in the FHA course will be devoted to addressing this initiative. The package includes:
A Facilitator Guide with lesson plans and supplemental resources.
- One copy of the Participant Guide.
- A set of digital files that includes weekly PowerPoint slides, graphics and marketing material, forms, and other relevant documents to support the program.
- The only additional materials you’ll need to conduct PathWay 2 WholenessSM at your church/organization will be Participant Guides and God, Medicine and Miracles textbooks for each participant. The cost per set of participant materials is approximately $25.00.
- Certificate of Completion: Each person who completes the Ambassador course will receive a certificate of completion and the distinction of Faith and Health AmbassadorSM.
- Computer & Telephone Requirements: Connecting to the live 2-hour weekly webinar sessions with Zoom Meeting will require a computer for seeing slides and either the use of a telephone or an audio connection via a computer for an audio connection. (Preferably with a headset to minimize external noise.) Prior to the first class, you’ll be asked to ‘ready’ your computer to connect with Zoom Meeting. Test your computer HERE.
- Weekly Assignments: Each week you’ll be asked to complete a reading assignment, contribute to the online “discussion board” and complete a short worksheet. On three weeks, part of your assignment will be to listen to and view a recorded talk from one of our three guest presenters. The total time spent outside the class will require approximately 2-3 hours/week.
- New Reduced Cost: Effective January, 2020, the course fee for all participants is $247.00. (this is a 30% reduction of the previous fee.) The 11 weeks of instruction, 200-page Course Guide, the PathWay 2 Wholeness Facilitator Guide and CD, 2 Textbooks, and one copy of the PathWay 2 Wholeness Participant Guide are all included in the fee.
What Course Participants Are Saying
“I was expecting to learn about the link between faith and health… I wasn’t expecting to become a changed person!”
“After taking the Faith and Health Ambassador course, I became more intentional in my conversations with people about their health and explaining the mind, body spirit connection. Not only have people been more receptive to hearing about this ‘connection,’ two have made life-changing decisions to receive Jesus as their Savior! The course put all the pieces at my fingertips to present information that is both biblically-based and medically sound.” ~ Vicki
“The Faith and Health Ambassador program was a Godsend to me.”
“I highly recommend this course to anyone who is seeking a transformation in themselves.” Stacy Ward, Fitness Coach
“Going into the course, I thought God led me there so that I could help others someday. What I found was a freedom in Christ that I didn’t even realize I needed. I found forgiveness and love. Without this class, I may never have been in a position – mentally, spiritually, emotionally, maybe even physically, to fully realize my life purpose. Only now do I feel equipped to give 100% of myself to teaching others about this same freedom through the Pathway 2 Wholeness Bible Study.” ~ Cate Cardenas
“This course, material and your instruction and facilitation are very anointed!” ~ G.M.
“Anyone taking the IPNRC ‘Foundations in Faith Community Nursing’ course should take this first. There are many wounded people who take the Faith Community Nursing Course. They don’t realize they are looking for healing and the Faith and Health Ambassador(FHA) Course would accomplish this. After experiencing the FHA course, they can go on to be more effective Faith Community Nurses.” ~ A Faith Community Nurse
Outcomes and Fruit Reported by Past Participants
“No words are adequate to thank God for His healing touch that I experienced through the course. Jesus cleansed my heart so deeply that I can now feel His unconditional love. I had known that truth in my head, but now it’s deep in my heart.” ~ Judy Gatehouse
“During this course, the Lord illuminated areas of my life that needed healing. I really feel that He is walking with me on my journey to wellness.”
“If you take this course simply for its information, you’ll miss the most critical part. The course is intentionally designed to build your personal relationship with Jesus. When you follow the activities and read the scriptures and supplemental readings, the Lord confronts you with not just truth, but truth as it specifically applies to your life. Spiritual growth is the best part of the Faith and Health Ambassador Course!” ~ Vicki Parker, RN, FCN, Health Advocate Nurse, Herschend Family Entertainment
“God has done a work in me and the FHA Course was a part of His plan.” Amy
“I recently discovered a new passion for health and fitness and wanted to grow in my faith and learn more about wellness. This was a perfect combination of the two areas!”
“Dale, your heart for the Lord was evident and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.”
“This course has helped me see areas in my life that were still based off who I WAS, my ‘old’ self. As Christians we are taught that we are a new Creation, but until this course I did not fully realize what that meant. Now I see that I have to completely let go of all that I knew and hold on to all who God is and who His word says He is. This is the only true way to a victorious walk in our Faith. This course helps guide you to make the real changes to do just that.” ~ Jennifer Paganakis
“I am grateful that God brought this program to my attention.”
“The Faith and Health connection is the missing link in ministry today. When more Christians are taught the Biblical Principles for Living a Full Life, which are incorporated into this study, we will see more men and women caring about the condition of their bodies, the state of their mind, and their relationship with the Lord. In turn we will see believers bearing spiritual fruit; winning souls to Christ and helping them grow, Sharing with those in need, Developing Christ-like character and Praising God and Giving Thanks!”
“I feel blessed to have had this experience with Dale and my classmates. Dale, his heart and the course materials are a gift to all who desire to grow deeper in their faith while improving their health. The materials are thought provoking yet practical and applicable to life.”
“As I go back over the course material now I find I’m getting so much more out of it. You’ve given us some great information and resources. The seeds you planted were not in vain.”
“This course has been part of my spiritual journey to greater wholeness. The biblical principles presented are God’s truths.”
“Dale is a faithful man of God, and it was my privilege and honor to have him lead me to the feet of the Master Teacher over and over throughout the course. I wholeheartedly recommend the Faith and Health Ambassador Course.”
A Consideration
Your church or organization may well agree to fund some or all of the cost of the program. They may ask the prospective Faith and Health Ambassador to pay a portion of the fee as the participant will personally benefit greatly from the training experience.
Participant Limit
No more than 14 participants will be enrolled in each course to ensure that a positive learning environment is created and maintained.
Testimonial From a Previous Client
“You encouraged the audience by helping them identify their own personal motivators, and offered practical and sound advice for making sustainable life changes. It is our belief that your knowledge and understanding had a positive impact on everyone who attended the seminar. We appreciate your ministry and the wonderful resources you provide. It’s great to be on the same team… encouraging others to strive for a healthy and balanced life.” Health & Wellness Coordinators, Focus on the Family.
Guaranteed Satisfaction
The topics you will be trained on have been a passion of Dale’s for more than 25 years. Dale has personally taught the information you’ll receive on numerous occasions in churches, to groups of nurses and in non-profit and corporate settings.
We guarantee, that if you are not 100% satisfied with this training initiative and the value it is to you and to your church or organization, your entire program fee will be refunded.
For Pastors & Leaders of Organizations
Pastors of churches or decision makers of organizations who fund the course may desire additional information. Here are links to some relevant information: Mission, Vision and Beliefs of the Faith and Health Connection Ministry, Biographical Sketch of Dale Fletcher, and the ministry’s Statement of Faith.
As part of the application process to become enrolled in this course, participants will be asked to have their pastor or organization’s leader recommend or endorse them. Our desire is that the church or organization commit to offering a PathWay 2 Wholeness program for those that they serve. If that does not seem realistic initially, then we ask that after the participant completes the course the leadership will revisit the appropriateness of hosting a PathWay 2 Wholeness program. Please complete and submit this Recommendation Form on behalf of the person who desires to represent your church/organization and to participate in the FHA course.
Upcoming Course Date
No Faith and Health Ambassador Course is currently scheduled.
Application, Payment and Registration – 3 Steps
Step 1 – The first step has two parts. If you wish to participate in the training please complete this Application Form.Your pastor, a person in leadership at your organization, or someone who knows about your spiritual maturity, is asked to complete this Recommendation Form. Once both forms are received and reviewed someone may call to speak with you and/or your pastor.
Step 2 – If you are accepted into the course, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to make payment. Payment must be made in full and in advance of receiving the course materials.
Step 3 – Once your payment is received, we’ll send you all the materials and textbooks.
Interested, But Unable to Participate in One of the Course Dates?
To receive updates about the Faith and Health Ambassador initiative and dates of courses in the future, please add your name and email to the list at this link.
An Alternative Option – “Understanding the Faith and Health Link” is a 3-hour workshop that addresses the core content of this FHA Course in a very condensed manner.
Need More Information?
If you have questions about this initiative or the course, please connect with us through the Contact Page.
Faith and Health Ambassador & PathWay 2 Wholeness are Service Marks of Faith and Health Connection ministry.