Easter week is the most special week of the year for me. My mind repeatedly reflects on the fact that I am forgiven of my sins and that I can be in a personal relationship with the God of the universe, only because of what Jesus has done for me. The death of Jesus on a … [Read more...]
The Cross and Your Life
Jesus made the greatest payment so you can have life - He gave his life. You and I can be whole if we receive all that Jesus died to give us. Strength, power, grace, forgiveness, love, patience, self control and so much more are available to us. The question is, will we open … [Read more...]
Healing and Wholeness – Through What Jesus Did on the Cross
God loves you so much that His son, Jesus, died so you can be whole and have life now and eternally. I took a look at another post I made last Easter weekend and don't think I can say it any better this year. Read the post that addresses how we can have healing and … [Read more...]
Holy Week Devotional: It is Finished – John 19:28-20
Holy Week This week you're likely to see a purple draped cross displayed outside many churches and often in the sanctuary. Frequently seen during Lent and the weeks preceding Easter Sunday, the purple drape has significance. The Color Purple Along with blue, scarlet, and … [Read more...]
Oswald Chambers’ Take of Jesus on the Cross, His Crucifixion and His Resurrection
I hope that you enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend and day! I often read Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest devotional. His material is very thought provoking and usually causes me to think deeply about the spiritual implications to what he's writing about. Today I … [Read more...]
Jesus Was Wounded & Beaten So You and I Can Be Healed
Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we can enjoy health, healing and salvation. Long before it happened, the prophet Isaiah wrote that Jesus would be beaten and whipped so that we may be healed. (Isaiah 53:5) In Matthew 27:26 we read that at the end of the trial … [Read more...]