Are you challenged by resting and slowing down?
The first thought that flows up into my mind from my spirit is that we may have trouble resting because we think we have to be busy, busy, busy because we have so much to do. We can’t afford to slow down and just chill. Our ‘To Do’ list is just too long and never-ending.
This thinking and attitude might well stem from a few root issues. (You know me, I’m often suggesting that we dig deeper to uncover the real, or root, issue.) It could be that you don’t feel comfortable resting because you believe that you must achieve more to feel good about yourself. You’re hardly ever content with the way things are so you’re always in motion and ‘doing’ something. So it may be an issue of how you view yourself, maybe your self image.
A second reason could be that you do not fully trust God and that He is in control. After all, if you fully trusted Him, then perhaps you’d be more comfortable slowing down more often…. and chilling our resting because you’re trusting Him with the things on your ‘To Do’ list and your life!
One of our Faith and Health Ambassadors once indicated to me that it was not easy for her to be still on the Sabbath each weekend. This person was almost always on the go. She usually entered the new work week feeling tired, not rested and restored. Not a good thing!
“Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27
This weekend, and this upcoming week, slow down and rest often.
It’ll be good for your soul, spirit and body! You’ll likely be better able to pour out more love on others too because you’ll have more energy!