Sin, pain and health. There is a connection, often. The Bible makes this very clear.
Please understand, I’m not saying that health issues are always the result of sin. But unconfessed sin can sometimes directly lead to health issues – mental and physical.
This past week I delivered a workshop for Faith Community Nurses from the state of Georgia. My topic was Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine. What’s the Christ Follower to Do? During my research, I learned that, according to the National Institute of Health(NIH) the number one reason why people turn to alternative modalities and therapies, other than traditional medicine, is because they are in physical pain. They are seeking relief from chronic pain – back pain, neck pain and joint pain. (Click on image to the right.)
- More than half of American adults (125 million) had a musculoskeletal pain disorder in 2012. (Visit the following link for an article on the NIH website – Use of CAM for Pain)
Sometimes the pain is rooted in a skeletal or biological issue or imbalance. Often this comes about as a result of an accident or injury.
But sometimes the pain can be caused because a person is in internal conflict with God and/or with them self because they have sinned or are living in intentional sin. This internal conflict can cause tension in the muscles and other body tissues. This soft tissue tension can sometimes compress the tissue or bone against nearby nerves and can result in pain. Sometimes chronic pain. Sure, a massage or an acupuncture treatment, an anti-inflammatory pill or physical therapy can provide short term relief. But, if the pain is rooted in the inner conflict or guilt that stems from sin, the treatment or pill may well not cure the pain.
What the Bible Says About Pain, Health and Sin
The Bible addresses pain health and sin head on. Let’s look at a few key verses:
1 O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your rage!
2 Your arrows have struck deep,
and your blows are crushing me.
3 Because of your anger, my whole body is sick;
my health is broken because of my sins.
4 My guilt overwhelms me—
it is a burden too heavy to bear.
5 My wounds fester and stink
because of my foolish sins.
6 I am bent over and racked with pain.
All day long I walk around filled with grief.
7 A raging fever burns within me,
and my health is broken.
8 I am exhausted and completely crushed.
My groans come from an anguished heart.
9 You know what I long for, Lord;
you hear my every sigh.
10 My heart beats wildly, my strength fails,
and I am going blind.
11 My loved ones and friends stay away, fearing my disease.
Even my own family stands at a distance……
17 I am on the verge of collapse,
facing constant pain.David in Psalm 38:1-17
The above is from the New Living Translation of the Bible. Clearly David felt guilty from his sin. He was in mental anguish. He likely could have experienced arrhythmia in his heart. He experienced searing pain. In the New International Version, verse 7 reads – “My back is filled with searing pain; there is no health in my body.”
Do you see the connection between his sin and the pain and poor health that David experienced?
Let’s look at another scripture where in Psalm 32 David writes the following.:
1 Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
2 Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.
3 When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy on me, my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
Internally, David felt guilty because he knew that he had committed a sin or sins. This internal conflict – his guilt and negative emotions – undoubtedly caused harmful chemicals and hormones to be released within his body resulting in inflammation, sickness and pain. God permitted this. God designed us in such a way that our sinful behaviors (our will/choice to engage in sin) and our mind, emotions and body are all intrcately connected. Nothing happens in isolation!
For more insight into biblical principles and examples related to sin and health read the following verses:
- Psalm 106
- Psalm 107:17-20
- 1 Corinthians 11:30
Sin, Pain and Health – The Prescription
The spiritual prescription or solution to pain and health conditions that are rooted in sin is confession to God and turning from the sin. The healing occurs through God’s forgiveness and in recognizing His forgiveness. David writes in Psalm 32:
1 Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
2 Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit…..
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin. Psalm 32: 1,2,5 (NIV)
As we receive God’s forgiveness from sin, we can release our guilt feelings. The tension can then fall away. The body stops releasing harmful substances. It returns to balance. We can again experience God’s peace. This all promotes good health and a lack of physical pain.
So you see, there is a connection between sin, pain and health.
If you’ve been experiencing non stop or chronic pain or a health condition that your health care provider has not been able to cure, I encourage you to prayerfully ask God to help you examine your heart and your behaviors. (Psalm 139:23-24) Ask Him if you are holding on to any resentment towards someone. Ask Him to show you if there is any recurring or unconfessed sin in your life. If He shows you anything, be obedient to confess and follow through with what He shows you to do.
Be encouraged! God loves you so much that He sometimes brings physical pain or sickness into your life so that you’ll turn from sin and grow closer to Himself!
P.S. There was a time that I experience chronic low back pain for a period of months. God has helped me appreciate that this pain was directly due to intentional sin in my life. See the link below to the blog post where I wrote about this.
Resources Related to Sin, Pain and Health
Blog Post – Sin and Pain – Psalm 38:7
Other Blog Posts About Sin
A good father doesn’t send sickness or pain to his children to make them stronger! That is bad theology and goes against everything God did for his children! Why send Jesus to heal people if it was God who made them sick? The Answer is in the scripture above our own sins cause are bodies to decay as well as the enemy! A Good father’s doesn’t punish his own children by beating them
to be stronger! However there are consequences to our sin.
Hello Brianna,
I completely agree with you that God does not make us sick.
I meant that due to my sin a door was left open for the DEVIL to attack me
and it was retributional in that way. God in His mercy revealed how the devil
got in. this brought me on course to repent and thereby receive healing.
God wants us healed and whole. I agree with you.
Sorry for the confusion.
Many years ago God was dealing with me very very strongly. The issue was judgmentalism.
I grew up constantly under criticism and judgment so it was all I knew (not to excuse the
sin but it had a stronghold in my life.) So I began to encounter severe back pain which radiated
and spasmed all the time. There was no ebb and flow – it was constant searing pain. In desperation I cried out to God and He let me know the sin and that this was a retribution of sorts. As I repented and changed my ways I was healed. It is years later and sometimes if I start with a bitter attitude I will begin to feel the twinge of pain in my back…I immediately repent and it leaves completely. All this to say – Yes if you are willing to look at your self and go through a fearsome inventory with God He will show you the why of things, the root of things and thereby one can receive their healing. You see, my sin was BLOCKING God from healing me and satan had obtained rights to afflict. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all.” PTL! The Christian has the right to go boldly to the throne of God to find help in their time of need and that’s what I did. Unfortunately many people I minister to are offended that their pain issue is possibly sin-related and consider it merciless for me to suggest this when they are in so much pain. But the truth is the truth… Thank you for addressing this issue as many need to hear these essential elements to receiving their healing at the root cause.
Hi Karen, thank you for sharing your story with us. I pray that what you have shared will give others insight into their own lives and circumstances. Praise God that He revealed to you the root of your pain. ~ Dale
Thank you for sharing.
I’ve been passing through recurring sin, i feel so much guilt each time i commit this sin, to the extent of trying to hurt my self bcos of it.
Samingo, I am just seeing your comment only website. You do not have to be ashamed of your sin. Jesus died to foveae you of ALL your sins in the past and all that you will have in the future. Please read the blog posts at this link –
Your sins are forgiven!
I have been a Christian 4 years. From the VERY day I believed, every type of mental, physical, spiritual and emotional pain has beset me unendingly causing lasting damage physically and psychologically. I am only just able to cook, shop and clean for my family. I now require pain medication tablets, antidepressants and sleeping pills.
I am shaking as I write this because of everything that has happened to me, just remembering the extent of it causes that. I am aware that this may not be the experience of others, but it’s mine.
I still believe in Jesus. Regardless of what happens to me, Jesus was the same before I was born and will be the same after I’m gone. I still try to live a life of love because it’s right. I avoid as much sin as I can.
Love to you all. x
Thank you for your comment. PLEASE reply to this comment online if you receive this.
I’m sorry that you have been in such pain. I’m wondering if you have visited with someone at your church or a trusted Christian counselor to help you explore this issue. It might be that the pain that you are experiencing is rooted in some deep issue from your past. Please let me know. Sincerely, Dale
Inadvertently, I have experience mental and physical health issues by failing to have a forgiving heart from affensives stored in my heart it actual cause several health issue including cause strokes due to sinful stress once I begin to genuine forgive confess my sins asking God to help me change is when I begain to improve heath wisegain improvement in my overall wellness I can now walk,talk and have improvement, praying for thy enemies as instructed by God written word read the book of Job it’s very true to this day and ask god to intercede in our heart for understanding and knowledge with renewing of the mind
Also, only eat and drink what God has created and provided through organically wholesome way meant for our our bodies well being ………………….abundant life !!
1 Corinthians 10v31.
Dear Mr. Fletcher,
Thank you for posting some of the many verses the Bible provides about pain and punishment.
As a chronic pain patient who has lost 2 family members and several friends to suicide (due to physical or mental pain), I v sd tree rrwhat about mercy?
The Bible also says “the sins of the fathers are visited to the 5th generation.”
“All of creation GROANS IN PAIN, waiting for the adoption, whereby we call Abba!” ( FATHER!)
that Paul and Jesus suffered terrible pain, in doing the will of God.
How do you reconcile that?
I think it heaps DESPAIR on those who have admitted
sin, asked for help & are still suffering.
Just a thought.
Hi Burke, I am just seeing your Comment now. So sorry. I think that you may find what John Piper says on this page very insightful –
Blessings to you, Dale
Hello, I am Jhon and I also involved in health field for many years. My former study is focusing on the other direction, but after read through your contents here, you really give me some new direction that is the faith effect. Thanks!
I have been praying to learn more about the connection between healing and the Word of God. So glad you wrote this and included scripture. Thank you!!!!