Sometimes we can close off a part of our heart to Jesus. It may hurt too much to go there because there is pain… and we just don’t want to deal with the past and the pain associated with it.
Or, we may not want God to take away a lustful desire or behavior we have that gives us what we want – that meets a selfish desire. As an example, we may be enjoying the pornography or the illicit sex or the box of cookies or the shopping or the tub of ice cream. We enjoy them, in the moment, and we want to keep whatever the habit is because it makes us ‘feels’ good. What is this behavior or thing for you?
But when we do these things, we are really not being satisfied at the deepest level of our hearts. The deeper spiritual need has not been met by the behavior or the thing we may have purchased or obtained.
We are also missing out on the full and abundant life that Jesus died for us to experience. John 10:10
Can you relate to any of this?
Might Jesus be saying to you, as he writes to the church in the book of Revelation…
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock, if anyone (you) hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (you).” Revelation 3:20
If you have a ‘room’ in your heart that you’ve kept closed to Jesus, won’t you open this area to Him? Only Jesus will satisfy that deep spiritual need you have! John 6:35
Jesus wants to ‘eat’ with you…. to abide with you and to satisfy that deep need you have!
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
Will you allow Jesus to eat with you? He wants to.
Related Resources
1 Page Article – Abide in Jesus’ Presence – A Spiritual Exercise for a Healthier Life
1 Page Article – Manage Your Stress With God’s Help
Booklet – Spiritual Exercises for a Healthier Life
‘Abide in Jesus’ Presence’ is one of the 42 Biblical Principles for a Full Life that we address in our courses and workshops. Hope that you’ll consider joining us for one of these initiatives. Visit the links on the side bar.
Website – Hungry for Jesus
Website – FINDINGbalance
Pam Reitmeier says
Hi Dale…
I know where this came from 🙂 Thanks for posting it. Was just talking to Judy…
Love ya.
Dale Fletcher says
Thanks for stopping by and commenting Pam! Actually, the idea of this blog post came to me early today as I was spending my quiet time with God. It did not come any conversation I have recently had with our dear friend Judy. It just ‘happened’ that one of the scriptures I address in the blog past was also part of a conversation you had had with Judy. 🙂 We do have a wonderfully GREAT God! He is so good!