Experts say that rising food costs are taking a devastating financial toll on people with binge eating disorders. This was reported by the ABC News medical unit in a recent article.
Binge eating is a condition in which a person is unable to control their urge to consume a large amount of food in a short period of time. The out-of-control aspect of the condition is what differentiates it from overeating. Bulimia is a disorder that usually involves binge eating, with the addition of coping behaviors such as vomiting or excessive exercise following a binge episode.
People with eating disorders may have psychological and emotional characteristics that contribute to the disease. They may have low self-worth as well as perfectionism. They may have trouble controlling impulsive behaviors, managing moods or expressing anger. The families of people with bulimia may tend to have more conflicts, along with more criticism and unpredictability. There may be a history of sexual abuse.
My heart goes out to those who are afflicted by such disorders. I can imagine that there must be a deep hurt or yearning inside that these people are trying to satisfy with their eating habits.
The Bible says that God satisfies us more than the richest of foods. Psalm 63:5 As we learn to experience God’s love and allow Him to enter our heart and soul at a very deep level, He can bring about any forgiveness, guilt or deep need that exists that we try to meet in ways apart from Him – like turning to food in an unhealthy manner. God wants to “feed” us in a way that really satisfies our deepest needs.
If you have a deep need because of a situation or past event in your life, try turning to God. Put on a favorite CD or plug in your MP3 player and listen to songs that remind you of God’s nature. Open up the Bible and read your favorite scriptures. Read some other material that helps you understand God better. Consider getting down on your knees and pouring out your heart to Him in a deep and meaningful way. Give God a chance and see if He won’t meet that deep ‘hunger.’ He is waiting for you.
Be satisfied in Him … and have a terrific day!
A Free Online Resource: 5-Day Bible Study Satisfy Me, Ross Brodfuehrer, Southeastern Christian Church
Another Helpful Resource: Hungry for Jesus – A Ministry for Women who struggle in their relationship with food.