Read these positive affirmations I’ve tweeted using Twitter during the last month. Follow me on Twitter to receive them.
Read my blog post on how to use Bible scriptures to make affirmations in your own life.
Scripture Affirmations
“God’s truth – his Word – stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8
“God gives me power when I am worn out and strength when I am weak.” Isaiah 40:29
“God’s principles are perfect. They are entirely worthy of my trust.” Psalm 119:138
“With God in my life, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
“Jesus keeps pruning me so that I will be even more productive for God.” John 15:2
“The water Jesus gives takes away my thirst altogether.” John 4:14
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God.” Psalm 139:14
“I follow God’s principles because I love him.” John 14:15
“I can never be separated from the love of God.” Romans 8:35-39
“God’s love is made complete in me when I obey his principles.” 1 John 2:5
“As I draw near to God, he draws near to me.” James 4:8
“God’s discipline is always good for me because it means I share in His holiness.” Hebrews 12:10
“I display a new nature because I am a new person, created in God’s likeness – holy and true.” Ephesians 4:24
“The secret is that Christ lives in me and I have assurance of sharing his glory.” Colossians 1:27
“Nothing can separate me from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:39
“God satisfies me when I am thirsty and fills me with good things when I am hungry.” Psalm 107:9
“I keep God’s words in my heart. They are health to my whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22
“It is God’s Spirit that gives me eternal life. My human effort accomplishes nothing.” John 6:63
“God is for me so no one can ever be against me.” Romans 8:31
“In God I live and move and exist.” Acts 17:28
“I defeat this evil world by trusting Christ to give me victory.” 1 John 5:4
“By God’s grace and through faith in Jesus, I have a full and eternal life.” Ephesians 2:8
“Through prayer, the peace of God guards my heart & mind.” Philippians 4:7
“By God’s grace and through faith in Jesus, I have a full and eternal life.” Ephesians 2:8
“I find strength in the Lord my God.” 1 Samuel 30:6
“God strengthens me because my heart is fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
“I have rest in my soul because I go to Jesus when I am weary.” Matthew 11:28-29
“Because I have been born again, I will see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“I do not fear because God strengthens me.” Isaiah 41:10
“I am full with the joy of the Lord.” Isaiah 42:10
Read more positive affirmations using Bible scriptures.
Read more about positive affirmations based on scripture regarding health and strength.
Read about using Twitter for Ministry.
Hello I am just letting you know that the one tagged as 1 Peter 5:5 is not the correct scripture with it. It should be 1 John 5:4 I believe.
Thank you so much for such wonderful affirmations. They develop more and more faith and confidence in god.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful list of affirmations. I was doing a Google search for Christian Affirmations and discovered your blog. I will utilize this list in my daily affirmations.
This is a great list! Most positive thinking concepts and affirmations come from the Word of God! My friends that believe in “spirituality” and are not familiar with God’s Word continually send little affirmations and I continually respond with the Word of God that the affirmation was derived from. Thanks for the list!
This is a great list of affirmations. As of yet I have not made a list of Bible based affirmations. I have a few, but most of mine are positive thinking related. Thanks for sharing this.