The real power in one’s faith rests upon their beliefs. God designed us to believe in Him, the one true God, and in His son Jesus as our Savior. Our body, soul and spirit can only work together seamlessly when we believe this to be true in the core of our being. If we have any unbelief in this truth, then we are susceptible to emotions that will contribute to diseases in the long haul. Unbelief will open the door to doubt and anxiety. This is a form of fear… and fear is not of God. Fear is the opposite of peace. God wants us to experience peace and we can have this deep, genuine peace when we believe the truths of the Bible and when our behaviors are in alignment to the principles found there.
In this week’s verse, Paul instructs us “there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.” This is at the core of the Christian faith. If we doubt this at all, we cannot enjoy the freedom that God wants for us to have… the type of freedom, and associated inner peace, that Jesus tells us about when He says in John 8:32, “the truth will set you free.”
If you have any doubt that Jesus died for your sins and that belief in Him is the only way to enter God’s kingdom eternally, then you will not experience the deep peace that He wants you to have. Your mind will entertain thoughts that are contrary to God’s Word. The anxiety that you experience will release unhealthy chemicals into your body. Over the long term, your emotional and physical health will likely be affected.
If you have any doubt about Jesus being the only way to the one God I urge you to seek the help of a pastor or to turn to God’s Word and to meditate on what you read. As deeply and humbly as possible, cry out to God to help you come to absolute belief in the fact that He alone sent His son Jesus to die for you. He does love you so much that He wants you to enjoy eternal life with Him and a full and healthy life while you are on this earth.