I've been successful in not adding sugar to my coffee for three days now. This morning I sipped on about 1/2 a cup of coffee... with half and half and no sugar. Why Am I Blogging About This? I'm capturing my experiences about this behavior change effort in writing on this … [Read more...]
Your Mindset and Thoughts Will Impact How This Week Goes
Mondays give us an opportunity to start another calendar week on the right foot. You've probably heard the saying, "I got out of the wrong side of the bed," when things don't go well for a person on a given day. Well, today each of us has a chance to frame the kind of day, even … [Read more...]
“How Faith Can Heal” – A Special Mind & Body Issue of Time
The Feb. 23rd issue of Time is a special mind-body issue with the cover story "How Faith Can Heal." The main article is The Biology of Belief. There is another article that includes a question and answer forum by three experts that discuss the role that belief should play in … [Read more...]