A survey of pre-retirees aged 50-plus has revealed some interesting facts about what people think about regarding their health. The July 16 issue of the Wall Street Journal has an article about the study results titled The High Price of a Long Life.
One of the questions asked in the study was “Which of the following have you done in order to stay healthy when you retire?” The responses chosen most frequently can be seen in the accompanying graphic.
I find it very interesting that “Maintaining good relationships with friends and family” was the answer given most frequently by the people polled. These respondents have basically indicated that they have chosen to attend to their relationships with significant others more than any other issue because of the impact that relationships could have on their health. More than their sleeping patterns, exercise habits or drinking habits.
Why do i find it interesting? Why did this article catch my eye to begin with?
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31
Jesus tells us that we are to love our neighbor as our self. This is one of His two Greatest Commandments to us. He desires that we love one another… just as His Father, God, loves us. We are to be a vehicle of God’s love to other people.
When we have unresolved conflict in our relationships we are setting ourselves up for health issues. If bitterness festers within because we chose not to forgive someone, very often health problems will affect us down the road. If we are in chronic stress in our relationships – like chronic conflict – our health will be affected adversely as well. Maintaining healthy relationships with others plays a vital role in keeping physically healthy.
We are also urged by Jesus to be in a loving relationship with God and to love our self as well. These two components of God’s Greatest Commandments similarly will impact on not only our spiritual health but also our physical health.
The 50-plus year olds who participated in this retirement study were wise people.
Maintain healthy relationships with your friends and family members. Also maintain a healthy relationship with your self and with your God.
Healthy relationships are good for your health!
Related Resources
Read about forgiveness and other spiritual exercises for your health.
Other blog posts on forgiveness.