How can words help our health? Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us “My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body.”
As I read this I understand God to be be saying to read the Bible, His words and to keep what we read deep inside… in our heart. I have intentionally read scripture over and over again and the more I read the more I sense that His spirit… the Holy Spirit, mixes with my spirit deep in my heart… my inner self. When this occurs my body and my mind responds in healthy ways. The more often I read the Bible the better I appreciate what God has in store for me and the better I understand how much He loves me.
I believe that is one of the secrets to living a really full life… understanding the love that God has for us as an individual. When we really believe this we begin to live it out. By that I mean that we are better able to develop and sustain habits that honor our body and honor God. We also are better able to keep our mind on things of God and not things of this world.
So, allow God’s words… His truths… found in the Bible, to penetrate your heart. This will bring you a richer and fuller life… and good health, in spirit, mind and body.
Thank you for sharing. Yes, God’s WORD is medicine to me. I read, pray and meditate on these verses and many others daily. And as I do so my body responds when I least expect it. Because “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of God”.(Rom 10:17) We’re Spirit, so we HAVE to feed our Spirit with God’s WORD daily. Thanks again, Continuous blessings!
It is wonderful how God’s Word, planted and nurtured in our heart, can bring healing to our flesh (body). The Word begins as a spiritual seed and then grows and transforms itself into the physical – what a miracle!!, Make sure though that the seeds we plant inside of us are from God, do not open yourself to the negative’s in this life and keep your soil (Matt 25)rich and good and well prepared to receive. God Bless you.
Thank you very much for the insight on this scripture, I found it to be very helpful in understanding the message. God Bless!
A wonderful description on how to keep a healthy body and a healthy mind. I’m really blessed through this message. I pray that more people may be blessed through this message.
Totally true- everytime I feel something coming against my health – it’s time to read this scripture, proverbs, and psalms and start praising God for the healing he has provided through his word. It IS supernatural and FAR more powerful than any attacks of the devil- believing his word above all-
More people need to hear and live out this simple amazing truth..