Even if you’re a regular exerciser, sitting for prolonged periods of time on a daily basis is bad for your health. That’s what the research shows as published in a recent article in the Annals of Internal Medicine and is summarized in a CBS News article.
Sitting increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and early death — even in people who get regular exercise.
The study found sitting for prolonged periods raised the risk of cardiovascular disease by 14 percent, cancer by 13 percent, and diabetes by a whopping 91 percent. Those who sat for long stretches and got no regular exercise had a 40 percent higher risk of early death. With regular exercise, the risk was smaller but still significant: about 10 percent.
About three years ago I developed a blood clot – thrombosis – in my leg. This can be a dangerous situation. And I partially attribute the clot to my prolonged sitting at my desk.
The Bottom Line – If you are in a vocation or at home and your generally are seated, be intentional in getting off your bottom and moving at periodic times throughout the day.
Because my days are generally spent sitting at a desk writing or using the computer for various functions, I’ve set a reminder in one of my applications – Apple’s Reminder utility tool – to get up and move. I try to stand up and take a quick, 1 to 3 minute break several times throughout the day. Sometimes I’ll go outside and take a brief walk. I may do some stretching. I try to do something brief activity to get the blood flowing throughout my body.
I encourage you to do something similar…. and have a great day!