My next live workshop date is Wednesday 1 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time, August 21 and 28, 2019. A total of two 90-minute sessions. (A recorded version is also available so that you can engage in the materials at a time that is convenient to you.)
A few years ago, I received feedback that many of you had a strong interest in a condensed, nominal-cost program that addressed the link between our Christian faith and health. So, I developed this 2-session workshop covering the core content of the Faith and Health Ambassador Course and the PathWay 2 Wholeness Bible Study.
Understanding the Faith and Health Link – Connecting the Dots Between the Christian Faith and Your Health is a 3-hour workshop that is conducted over two successive weeks. Each of the two sessions will be 90 minutes in length.
What You’ll Learn & Discover:
- How your beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and relationships impact your spirit, soul and body.
- How unhealthy and incorrect relationships with God, yourself and others – as well as the condition of your emotional heart – are at the root of many unhealthy behaviors and poor health.
- Which poorly managed life stressors may be affecting your unhealthy behaviors and your physical health.
- How certain spiritual risk factors may be impacting negatively on your whole person health.
- Which biblical principles are the spiritual solutions for these prevalent spiritual risk factors.
“Thank you so much for this life changing information! I honestly believe that I now have a deeper understanding between my physical and spiritual health. I’ll be able to look back on this workshop as being the milestone that significantly changed my life! I pray that others will take it so that they can be helped as well.” Joyce Whitted
The cost is $19.99
All the details of the workshop – and the registration & payment forms – can be found at this link.
I hope you’ll join me for this upcoming workshop.
Have an terrific day!